Chapter 2: A Close Call

Start from the beginning


'(Y/N) is the best thing that's ever happened to you sir. How can you be comfortable lying to him like this?' - Millie

'How would you rather have him discover the truth? From you, or dare I say, from him?' - Moxxie

'That's another thing, Stolas is gonna find out you're moving in with him eventually!' - Loona


'Come on Blitzø, snap out of it!' he shook his head, trying to let go of his sudden paranoia 'Let's be real here, it's been several months since those 2 have been in this building at the same time. You have nothing to worry about. You're about to marry the man you love and still get some work done. It's all gonna work out.' Suddenly, his door was flung open with a loud bang "Whoa! Geez Loona, don't scare me like that."

"Oh I'll give you something to be scared about! Millie told me about last night, about your 'date'. Why is it you failed to tell me (Y/N) proposed to you?!"

"Oh great..." he grumbled.

"Don't even give me that tone, you knew this lecture was coming! The better question is why did you say yes?!"

"Uh, because I love (Y/N), and it's my choice as to who I'm happy with?" he replied with a sarcastic tone, making Loona groan as she slumped into the chair.

"Blitzø, do you not realize what you've done here? You can't run a business, bang Stolas, continue to lie to (Y/N), AND plan a wedding all at once!"

"Who says I can't? I've still got my sisters, I can ask them to help with the arrangements. Oh, that reminds me! I gotta tell them the news." He reached for his phone, only for Loona to quickly snatch it off the desk. "Hey, what are you doing?!"

"No! There's not going to be a wedding, not until you tell (Y/N) the truth. As a matter of fact, I want you to call him, right now."

"Can you not--?"

"Call him. Now." she insisted with a stern tone. Once she handed him the device, they were both surprised for it to ring with Stolas' number "The heck? He never calls you directly, he usually calls the office."

"That's what I get for giving him my number."

"You better get that, and talk about (Y/N) too. Maybe that will finally get him off your ass." she commented before leaving him. As he watched the phone ring, he considered her suggestion, but kept thinking of the possible repercussions. With a heavy sigh, he sat at his desk and accepted the call.

"What is it this time Stolas? I thought we agreed it was dangerous for you to be calling my phone during office hours."

"I know, however I had a sudden realization. Since I have my own cellphone, I no longer see that as an issue. Besides, Stella gave up guessing my password a long time ago. I was wondering if you had some time to 'chat' with me.~"

"Chat? ...Oh, that. Did you forget about our little conversation that fast, on how I didn't want to be bothered by you? Phone sex counts you pervy asshole!" he yelled, only to make the prince laugh.

"Aww come now Blitzy, I'm only asking for 5 minutes of your time."

"You said that last time, 5 minutes turned to 10, then 10 turned to 20! They have nifty little stores that sell toys for your 'needs'. Why do you insist on--Gaah!~" He dropped his phone, both his hands covering his crotch with a pained moan.

Blitzø x Male Reader: Secret SinWhere stories live. Discover now