Bon Voyage

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The time came for Nick to pack for his tour with Iggy Azalea & I tried not to let him know how upset I truly was. It actually wasn't going to be too bad, because the first week of the tour was in California so Marissa & I planned to go to his first three shows & then two other shows. I was helping him pack the night before he was leaving & he kept glancing over at me & smiling like he felt sorry for me. Finally, I stopped packing & stood up straight. "What?" I almost shouted.

Nick's eyes got wide & his eyebrows shot up. "What?" He laughed, shaking his head.

"You keep looking at me funny." I sighed.

"I'm just going to miss you. I keep wondering if you'll miss me." He stuck his lower lip out as she zipped up his big suitcase, while he watched me.

"What kind of question is that?" I asked, my eyebrows knitted together.

Nick picked up the large suitcase & placed it on the floor by the bedroom door. "I don't know. You just seem really okay with all of this, so I thought maybe you were sick of me." Nick's shoulders came up, quickly, in a shrug then he smiled, sheepishly.

"I'm only pretending to be okay." I sat down on the bed with a sigh & placed my hand on my stomach. "I'm going to be, literally, counting the days until you come home." My lower lip came out as I watched him smiling at me.

"I knew you weren't okay with me leaving."

"I'm okay with it, baby. I'm just going to miss you." I faintly smiled.

"You're really okay with it?"

"I wasn't at first, but I'm fine with it now. I know this is something you have to do to keep the momentum going on your solo stuff. I know it's only a 6 week tour.." I tried to smile a little bigger. "And Marissa & I will be at your show in Fresno tomorrow night."

"And it's only technically a little over four weeks that I will be away from you."

I sighed, still not sure I was okay that he had decided since it was a shorter tour than he originally thought, that he wouldn't fly back & forth on his days off. "I know. I just was a little upset that you weren't going to be flying home on your days off."

"I know. But I told you when Phil & I figured out the details, it really didn't make sense since it was only a month that I was going to be gone. You're going to be at the shows here in California & then I'll be gone for about four weeks after that. I was going to fly home after the Canada show, but we have press on those two days off. If I do have a day off & nothing else to do, I will come home, though."

"Promise?" I asked & he nodded, grinning. "And you don't have to explain. I know. But I'll miss you for the four weeks you're away from me." I stood up & closed Nick's bag that I had finished filling. I went to reach for the handle & Nick came up & grabbed my hand.

"You need to quit that." He said in a firm tone.

I laughed, looking up at him. "Quit what?"

"Trying to lift heavy stuff." His voice had softened a little & he smiled as he held my hand.

"It's a backpack, babe. It's not that heavy." I rolled my eyes.

"It's over 20 pounds which you're not supposed to lift more than." Nick's eyebrow went up like he was so smart. "And you're not gonna have time to miss me, ya know? We're going to text & Skype every chance we get." He leaned his head so he could kiss me, softly. With a smirk he squatted in front of me & kissed my belly.

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