Bear with Me

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Nick POV

I really hate hurting girls. It's like the worst thing in the world to me. I've hurt a few over the years, maybe even more than I even realize, and it never got easier. Now I was texting Natalie, letting her believe I wanted to have sex with her. I even told her I should come to her room to hang out that night. Honestly, I was just hoping she was telling Demi everything we were texting to each other. I'm horrible. I am a horrible person. But I have a good reason. I'm crazy. Crazy in love. Crazy in love with my best friend. I was blindsided by it, actually. It hit me upside the head the moment we kissed in my living room. It felt like the air was sucked from my lungs & then from the room. Trying to pretend that kiss wasn't the most amazing kiss I had ever experienced in my life or that it didn't make me incredibly excited, was difficult, to say the least. I knew my face had to have been flushed, but Demi was so flustered, she didn't notice herself.

That was when crazy took residence in my body. Instead of just forgetting about the kiss, I decided I would become her friend with benefits. Yes, I was insane. But, Jesus, fucking her on the stool in her kitchen was insanely exhilarating. The adrenaline rush it gave me when Wilmer walked into the kitchen minutes after I pulled myself out of Demi, was more thrilling than any crowd I had ever been in front of. No offense to my fans out there, but it was just not even the same level of thrilling.

I was having trouble now. I wasn't sure if I was in lust with Demi or if these feelings, I was having, were that of genuine love. I was pretty sure it was real love, but then when I felt myself lusting after her, I thought maybe that was all I was feeling. I needed time to figure it out I guess. I just felt bad that I involved Natalie. She didn't deserve this & I hoped she didn't hate me too much.

I don't know what Natalie had told Demi, but she must have told her something because Demi was throwing me death stares when everyone went to dinner that night. I sat beside Natalie & let her put her hand on my leg & I kept my arm on the chair behind her. She was talking a mile a minute about something. I wasn't really paying much attention to be honest. I was watching Demi be overly affectionate with Wilmer. It was as if she was doing it intentionally.

"So, I'm going to go to my room now to get cleaned up & get extra sexy for you." Natalie said leaning to kiss my cheek. She gave my knee a squeeze before she stood up. "I'll see ya in an hour?" She asked, her hand on my shoulder.

I nodded, then watched her leave. I looked over at Demi who was glaring in my direction. She seemed mad. Was I imagining it or was she mad at me? Why would she be? I didn't do anything wrong that I knew of. We weren't in a relationship, so what could she be mad about? Mad was a feeling & there weren't allowed to be any feelings in this thing we had going on. I was doing what I could to keep my feelings in check, so she should be, too.

I saw her walking toward me & I knew I was about to find out. She motioned with her head to follow her, so I did. She led me out of the restaurant to a hallway in the hotel, off of the main lobby. She kept walking until we were in a conference room that wasn't being used. Demi locked the door behind us, then turned around to glare at me.

"I thought you weren't into Natalie?" Demi snarled at me.

I stared at her in amusement. So this was about me & Natalie. Someone was jealous. Jealous was a feeling, too. Interesting. "I'm not. Not like that, anyway."

"So you're looking for another friend with benefits, is that it?" Demi crossed her arms & looked adorable. I was feeling kinda funny seeing that she seemed jealous.

"So what if I am? You are benefiting with two guys right now. Why can't I have two as well?"

Demi blinked a few times, not sure of what to say. "I just don't want to see Natalie get hurt."

Blind Sided (Nemi)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ