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I was still in a state of shock when I woke up the next day & realized I hadn't dreamt the events of the previous day. I was pregnant. It came as a total shock since I have been taking the pill for so long. I couldn't help but to wonder why God would make this happen. Like why now? Was it Nick's & this was supposed to happen because we were meant to be in each other's lives forever? I had no idea & may never know why, but I was trying not to freak out. Nick was so amazing with it all. His world was going to be turned upside down & he was being so loving. He made me feel so adored, like I was his one & only. I fell in love with him even more after he took my hand at the hospital as we watched the monitor together. I couldn't believe all the incredible things he said to me. To offer to lie to the world if this baby was Wilmer's was not something I ever expected of him. It was touching.

My eyes opened & I turned my head to look over at Nick as he slept next to me. His gorgeous face was relaxed, his mouth open a tiny bit as he breathed, softly. His hand was on my stomach, making me smile. It was almost as if he never took his hand off my belly all night. I said a prayer in my head at the moment, asking God to make this baby Nick's. If it wasn't Nick's we'd both be devastated. I was worried we wouldn't make it otherwise. I know Nick said it wouldn't matter, but I knew that was easier said than done.

I put my hand over top of Nick's holding it on my stomach as I turned to face him a little more. He stirred a little, taking a deep breath, then closing his mouth to breathe through his nose. A moment later, his eyes fluttered open & a big smile spread across his face once he focused on me.

"Good morning, Beautiful." He said in a gruff voice before leaning to kiss me. "You're glowing. Ya know that?" He asked, smiling.

"I am not."

"You are." He murmured, rubbing my hip, gently, his thumb caressing my stomach, lightly. "Maybe you've always glowed & now I just notice it more." His voice was soft & raspy & I found it sexy.

"I wish we could stay here until we could get that test done."

Nick nodded, pressing his lips together. "Me, too." He sighed. "You know.... we could always get a house in Kentucky somewhere, like we talked about & work on our album while you're hiding the pregnancy."

My eyes widened a little. "Oh my God. We could work on our album. But I wouldn't be able to hide out." I stuck my lip out.

"Sure you would. You could even stay at my place. You wouldn't have to leave. You could go outside whenever you wanted because it's private & no one can see you or spy on you with a long zoom lens." He chuckled.

"I could I guess. I don't want to hide out though. I don't want to be ashamed of this pregnancy. It wasn't planned but it's a baby & babies are blessings no matter how they come to you. I think in a few weeks we should announce that we're together." I said, then bit my lip.

"Really? That fast?"

I nodded. "We'll say that we bonded over our recent heart breaks while we were here in London & we just decided to see what would happen if we kissed & the rest is history."

Nick nodded his head, mouth frowning a bit. "Not bad. And then when you can't hide the baby bump anymore...."

I grinned. "Yea, we'll get made fun of....and if it's Wilmer's baby, maybe I will keep that to myself."

"Really?" Nick asked, sounding surprised.

"I mean we have time to think about it.... or I have time to think about it. But it's definitely something I am considering."

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