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Nick POV

I heard my brother shouting nearby & felt someone shaking me, so I opened my eyes, slowly. The light hurt my eyes so bad, I quickly shut them, realizing how bad my head hurt. I groaned & covered my head with my arm as I turned onto my side.

"Dude, get up." Joe said, nudging my back. "We had plans today, brother. We were supposed to have lunch & I'm starving. Your ass isn't even out of bed. How drunk did you get last night?"

My eyes remained closed as I groaned again, trying to lift my head off the pillow. It felt like it was filled with cement. "No drunker than I usually get." I said in a hoarse voice. Suddenly, a vision appeared in my head. Olivia naked, straddling me. "Fuck." I lifted my head, quickly, & groaned because it hurt so bad. "Where's Demi?" I opened my eyes just enough to see things, but not enough to let too much light in.

"Not sure. Why? Was she supposed to be here?"

"I think so. Shit, now I can't remember. Maybe she stayed at her friend's house. Olivia was here I think. My head is hurting so bad right now...." I let out another groan as I laid my head back down. "I feel like last night is a blur. I remember Olivia being topless as she straddled me." I rolled to my back & squinted up at Joe, who was smirking. "Unless it was a dream." I chuckled, then moaned because that hurt. "Or rather a nightmare." I added & Joe laughed loud enough for both of us. "Can you hand me my phone please?" I asked Joe.

He sighed, reaching for my phone. "We're not going to lunch are we?"

I grinned, taking my phone from him. "I'm sorry. This headache is brutal. Just give me a minute. Maybe you could go get me some Tylenol?" I asked, then watched as he headed to the bathroom. I looked at my phone seeing that I had a few missed calls & a few texts. Joe had called this morning & I had a text from Demi. When I saw she had texted me telling me she was on her way at about the time I left the bar with Olivia, I sat up in a panic. "Fuck! Oh shit... no." I groaned, letting my head fall back.

Joe emerged with my pills. "What?"

"Demi did come home last night & I was with Olivia, so what if she saw Olivia on top of me & left?" I could feel my heart racing, imagining Demi seeing me with Olivia. I took the pills & then tried to call Demi. Straight to voice mail. "Great. She turned her phone off." I nodded, my lips together in frustration. "Yep, she saw something."

"Did anything happen with Olivia?" Joe asked, sounding like he was going to laugh.

I pulled the blanket off of me to show Joe that I was still wearing my jeans & shoes that I had on at the bar. "I doubt Olivia got my dick out or depantsed me then put my pants back on." I got out of bed & almost fell over from the woozy feeling I had going on. "My head feels so weird."

"Olivia probably drugged you." Joe muttered, his arm around me to help me stand.

I stood up straight, giving him an intense look. "Do you really think she would do that?" I asked, in a serious tone.

Joe shrugged. "I wouldn't put it past her. Is she even pregnant?"

I nodded, making my way to the bathroom. "I saw her stomach last night. That I do remember because she's about the same size as Demi." I stopped when I got to the door of the bathroom & turned to face Joe. "Will you try to call Demi please? If she did see something then she's not going to answer my calls."

"Yea." Joe replied, pulling his phone from his back pocket. I smiled, thankfully, then went into the bathroom to shower. When I came out of the bathroom, Joe looked at me with a sympathetic gaze. "Yea, she definitely saw something."

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