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I pulled into the driveway after a long day of training & was surprised to see a strange car there. I didn't recognize it at first as I pulled around it & parked beside it. I got out of the car, then as I walked around & headed to the door, I realized it was Olivia's car. What the fuck was she doing here? I quickened my pace toward the door. When I went inside I stopped when I saw Olivia standing there, smirking while Demi held onto the railing of the staircase, looking like she might pass out. I hurried to Demi's side, throwing a glare in Olivia's direction.

"Demi? Are you okay?" I asked, putting my hand on the side of her face, that was a little on the pale side. Demi didn't answer me. She just stared at my face, blinking rapidly like she was keeping tears from coming. I spun around to confront Olivia. "What the fuck did you say to her?"

Olivia started cackling & shaking her head, then rolled her eyes. "I simply came to tell you the good news & she was here & so I couldn't hide it."

I took a step toward Olivia. "What good news?" I asked. "You're moving to Rhode Island for good?" I tried not to smile.

Olivia's eyebrow went up & her lips went together, then formed a sly smile. She moved her coat & placed a hand on her stomach. "I'm pregnant."

I was surprised but I managed a smirk. "I'm just so done." I took a deep breath & looked over at Demi, who was now watching me with a hint of anger on her face. "Why did you come here? Why would I care that you're pregnant? And what the hell did you say to Demi that upset her?"

"She doesn't like it that I'm having your baby." Olivia said, rubbing her hands over her bump.

I turned my head toward Olivia, my eyes probably bulging out of my head. "Wait. Back up. What the fuck did you just say?"

"When we had sex in New York, I got pregnant. Not sure how it happened. I mean I had been on an antibiotic a week or so before, but I really didn't think anything of it. Besides, we were so drunk I wasn't thinking clearly anyway." Olivia was rambling, looking up at the ceiling, then back at me.

"We did not have sex in New York." I said in a flat but serious tone.

Olivia scowled, showing that huge divot between her eyebrows that I used to find so cute, but was suddenly annoyed by. She looked like an evil princess. "Yes, we did. I mean I know we were drunk, but I remember having sex."

I let out a laugh, not a real one, but one that was sarcastic because she was not funny. "Not with me, you didn't. I know I was drunk, but I know I did not have sex with you. I don't know who's baby you're carrying, but it ain't mine." I shook my head, still grinning at the absurdity of this situation.

"Nick, we did have sex. Don't even try to deny it because when this baby comes I will have a test done if that's what you want, but you will look like a huge asshole when it comes back that it's yours." She crossed her arms, defiantly, smirking at me & swaying her chin. Why did everything she did suddenly make me so angry? I used to find these things cute or endearing & now I wanted to punch a wall.

I took a step toward Olivia, sucking my bottom lip in & rubbing my hands together. "You're the one who's going to look like a dumb ass slut when a paternity test comes back saying that I am not the father." I stared her down & she swallowed, almost looking scared for a moment, then she rolled her eyes & met my expression with a smirk. "And you will not tell anyone that you're carrying my baby before a test can be done. You got it? I will sue your ass for slander if you so much as hint at it."

Olivia stomped her foot, then put her hands on her hips. "Who am I supposed to say is the father?" She screamed at me.

"I don't give a fuck. I know it's not mine & you are not dragging my name through the mud to satisfy some fantasy you have." I turned toward Demi to see her sitting on the step, her head resting in her hands.

"It is yours, Nick. I swear on my life we had sex. Demi knows it."

I sat next to Demi on the stair & put my arm around her. "You can swear on whatever you like, but I know I never had sex with you in New York. I remember every detail of that evening & I know sex with you wasn't usually very memorable, but I would remember doing it that night." I turned to look at Demi as Olivia stomped her foot again, this time finishing it with a groan of some sort. "Demi, you have to believe me. I didn't have sex with her. She's not carrying my baby."

Olivia sighed, loudly, then groaned again, not hiding her anger. "I am carrying your baby, Nick. We did have sex. You might not remember, but it happened. You can keep telling your precious girlfriend that we didn't have sex, but I know we did. I'm not lying. I mean why would I lie? A test would prove me wrong." She clicked her tongue in disgust.

I rolled my eyes at her. "It will prove you wrong, I would bet money on it. I wasn't having sex with anyone while I was in New York, which is how I know we did NOTHING!"

Olivia winced, then rolled her eyes at me. "We'll just see now won't we? I'll be in touch." She spun on her heel & left.

"She has a point." Demi finally spoke up in a tiny voice, so I looked at her. "Why would she lie when a test is going to prove if she's lying or not?"

I took her hand in mine & stared at her face. "I swear to God, I don't remember having sex with her. I am pretty certain I didn't have sex with her that night. I wasn't that drunk."

"Pretty certain? Don't remember having sex with her?" She rolled her eyes then stood up, avoiding my gaze. I stood, too. "I need to go. I need some air. I need to think."

"Please don't believe her." I said as I watched her walk out the door. Demi kept walking, with a purpose & I knew she was mad. She slammed the door, then I ran after her. I stepped onto my porch & yelled her name as she walked down the sidewalk. She turned around & just shook her head as I kept walking toward her. "Where are you going?" I asked, taking a few steps down the sidewalk, trying to close the gap between us.

"I'm going for a walk." She said, then turned & stepped onto the driveway.

From that point on, everything was a big blur. I realized when it was too late, that Olivia was backing down the driveway & she wasn't slowing down, like she didn't see Demi walking. It all happened so fast, I could barely react. I darted toward Demi, hoping I could maybe push her out of the way. "Demi!" I screamed just as Olivia's car hit her. Demi's back hit the curve of the back of the car, her head hit the trunk & then she rolled off, just as I got there. I was able to catch her before she hit the ground, then fell back onto my ass because I lost my balance.

I was sobbing as I held Demi's unconscious body in my arms. "Oh my God!" I heard Olivia gasp as she came around to the side of the car. "Nick, oh my God. I didn't see her." Olivia was crying as she knelt near us. "Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God." She was covering her mouth as she sobbed in horror. I saw Olivia's eyes land on Demi's middle that was protruding now since she was on her back. "Oh God. Is she pregnant?" Olivia whispered behind her hand.

I gave a slight nod as tears flowed from my eyes. "Call 911." I said to her, trying not to snap her neck. I would snap it like a twig if anything happened to Demi or my son, accident or not.

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