The Faerie Convoy

Start from the beginning

Jiwon seemed to notice him looking over the two omegas and finally proceeded to introduce them while Rowon slipped away to finish his other assigned tasks. "My Prince, this is Junsu and Junhee. They are warriors who grew up and trained alongside me."

Junsu and Junhe bowed again slightly and Seokjin felt himself smile proudly. Here were two omegas, much like himself, but who were trained to fight and stand their ground amongst alphas and betas who were born with inherent advantages. They were what Seokjin had hoped to be one day – strong, respected and independent. There was once a time when Seokjin had tried wielding a sword, to learn and train in the art of swordsmanship and military arts. But watching guard practices in secret and asking Jungkook to show him the maneuvers that he'd learned that day had only helped so much. In the end, Seokjin hadn't managed to learn anything past the way to properly grip a sword and sometimes he couldn't manage even that if the sword was too heavy or too long. He'd given up soon after, not wanting to pester Jungkook too much and accidentally alert his brother and any others who might come to know by chance or through the grapevine, of his inclination to learn the sword. He felt elated beyond belief now - to see the two omegas who had accomplished something he wanted to so much but couldn't.

Rowon appeared by their side again then, sweat trickling down the side of his face from running around since dawn. "They've entered the village." He announced before sprinting away, followed by Junsu and Junhee who nodded once at Jiwon and bowed again to Seokjin and Namjoon.

As was agreed upon the previous day, Jiwon, Namjoon and Seokjin climbed onto the roof of a house which afforded them a good vantage point over the village square. There were bundles of hay up on the rooftop and the three of them proceeded to cover their bodies with the dry grass as they lay down on the mud tiles. Seokjin raised his head slightly, looking towards the abode directly in front where the other members of the Ha clan were supposed to lay in wait.

Seokjin looked over in the direction the convoy was supposed to be coming from – the direction of the prince's home, of the palace. Sure enough, he could see their figures as they walked towards the square where shifters were beginning to assemble. He saw Junsu and Junhee dissolve into the crowd of villagers below and a few moments later Rowon was climbing onto the roof to settle down on his sister's left with Seokjin on Jiwon's right and Namjoon on his other side.

"Have you taken your tea today, Your Highness?" Jiwon whispered by his ear, voice low so only Seokjin could hear.

"No, there was no time."

Jiwon chewed on her lip a little as she sighed, a nervous gesture. "Can you control your scent then? If there are any shifters among the convoy, any shifters that have turned against the Kim Clan's rule and have allied with the Royals, then they would be able to smell you out should your scent spike for any reason."

And here was another drawback to being an omega. It was far easier to master control over one's scent changes as a beta or an alpha. It wasn't impossible for omegas but still it took longer and was more difficult to accomplish when compared to the other two dynamics.

In the past, Seokjin had always relied on the suppressant herb teas he took to control and thin out his scent. He had little to no experience of doing it through the use of sheer willpower and mastery of the senses. But even then -

I can do this...

He just had to keep calm no matter what. If anything happened that he could not handle then he would just close his eyes and wait it out. Something he couldn't see wouldn't be able to stir his emotions, wouldn't cause his scent to spike. As long as he was able to control his emotions then there was no danger of them being discovered or caught.

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