
After school you were rollerblading to the ice rink, you know, your usual. You were peaceful, at least until you received a heart attack.

"Nii chan!" You perk up hearing the voice, and you turn around to see a pink cheeked pink eyed and black haired boy leaps at you.

"Gou? What are you doing here? I thought you were going straight home! Wheres Watanabe?!" You question as you catch him in your arms, body betraying your racing mind as you hold him close.

"Nii chan!"

"Gou, what are you doing here? And for the love of all things good, please don't tell you walked here from elementary school."

He looks up at you with a bright smile "I told Okaasan I wanted to see you right after school!"

Your eyebrows raise to your bangs at that "What?"

Gou fiddles with his buttoned up blazer jacket, his elementary school uniform. "Well, I uh," The pink on his cheeks tinges darker and he looks up at you with eyes that are starting to water. "I told Okaasan that I wanted to see you right after school, she said no but I begged and begged and begged! Nii chan I missed you so much!" Gou only holds you tighter and a small smile comes over your face as you run your fingers through his black locks.

"Don't cry Gou, i'm here." You soothe the child as you gather his small body in your arms and roll off to the side of the side walk to keep from blocking the people hurrying to wherever they were going.

Gou only clutches the fabric of your blazer and your eyes sweep the sidewalks before landing on a sleek black limo parked on the side of the street. You breathe a sigh of relief There's Watanabe.

"Gou, my ice skating lesson starts soon and I can't be late." Gou only presses himself further into your body and the tight hold he already has on you only gets tighter. "How about this," You gently push Gou a few centimeters away from you but keep a firm hold on his hand. "I give you my warm up jacket and i'll ask my coach to let you watch, does that sound good?"

Gou lets you go at that although a cute pout has rested on his face and he's making grabby hands at you "jacket." You laugh softly as you clutch tighter to his hand.

"I can't give it to you yet Gou, I left it at the rink this morning. But i'll give it to you as soon as I get into the locker rooms."

You keep an eye on Gou as you continue to roll to the ice rink, albeit a lot slower now. Gou is your adopted little brother. Although you love him with all your heart, despite how spoiled he is. Out of the corner of your eye you notice the limo pull out before speeding off.

You look down at your little brother, a small smile coming over your face, spoiled little thing.


To say you were surprised to see your mother walk out of the ice skating rink is an understatement. If anything you were a lot more than surprised. To say you were absolutely flabbergasted would be more efficient.

"Okaasan!" Gou lets go of your hand and runs to your mother with a smile.

Once again the sleek limo was parked on the side of the road.

"Gou! My little warrior!" Your mother smiles brightly as she picks up Gou, if her heels were hurting her feet at all, you wouldn't know.

"Okaasan." A smile spreads across your face seeing her as well, you stepping forward.

"Y/N, my ice prince." Your pulled in for a hug too.

It wasn't that you had an absent mother, the exact opposite actually she was rather attentive and always there for both of you, despite having a company to run. It's just that

"You should be at work."

Your mother blinks owlishly at you "It's Wednesday. I always get off around lunchtime on Wednesdays. But what you should be prioritizing." She checks her iPhone 5, the latest from apple, everyone but Gou had one. "Practice starts soon, you shouldn't be late dear." Your eyes widen seeing she is indeed right.

You behind to skate away only for a hand to stop you "I'm here for a reason Y/N. Gou is four now. He starts here soon and I want you to show him around if you can. I'm sure he was talking your ear off about watching you today, hm?"

You look over to a now cheeky Gou smiling up at you "Something like that, yeah. But he seemed to pout a lot more."

Your mother regards Gou with a small smile "Just like your dad, i see."

"Do you want to watch me Ice skate too?" Your mother looks down at Gou who's nodding frantically at her.

A small smile blooms on her face "I would love to."

Sorry everything seems to be filler chapters, i want you to get a feel of readers personal life before we really delve into the story more.

Ice Skates & Volleyball | Haikyuu x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now