18. Coming Home/ Meeting New Sibling

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Namjoon 💖

I have spent the last few days in hospital since I had Nayeon. I needed to have an emergency c section as her heart rate was low. They have been keeping a close  eye on her since. We are both well and can hone home. We haven't had any visitors as we've been in the hospital. We can finally take Nayeon home to her big brother who is dying to meet her. Namjae cannot wait to keep his little sister. Namjoon and I are leaving the hospital now and heading straight home. "Okay let's go" Namjoon said. "Can't wait" I reply. Namjoon takes Nayeon in her carrier and we leave and find the car. Namjae is staying with my mom now. I tell her we'll be back soon. They will be at home waiting for us. About 20 minutes later we arrive at our beautiful home to our beautiful little boy. Namjoon gets Nayeon from the back and we open the door. "We're home" he said. "Eomma, Appa. You're home" Namjae said. "We're home, son" Namjoon says. "Namjae, we missed you so much" I smile. "Namjae, there is someone who'd like to meet you very much. Your little sister Nayeon" Namjoon said. "I'm so excited to meet her. Can I hold her?" Namjae said jumping up and down. We had to calm him down before he sat on the couch and held Nayeon. "She's very delicate, Namjae. You need to support her head and hold her well" Namjoon said. "I am, Appa. I've been waiting for this moment forever" Namjae replies. Namjae was very good holding Nayeon. He's got the technique and loves her so much. He kept on kissing Nayeon's forehead and touching her cheeks. Awwww how about. Namjae is an amazing big brother already. It's great to have our two beautiful babies together

Hoseok 💜

Baby Heejin was born two days ago at home. Our beautiful little princess was born in the comfort of our own home. If we had another baby I would choose a home birth as it was much, much better. She loves her big sister Chaeyoung. Both of our beautiful girls are together. We are one big happy family now. We didn't let Chaeyoung hold Heejin straight away as newborns are very tiny and delicate. She held her for the first time earlier and loved it. Awwww it's adorable to see our little girls together. I am feeding Heejin and Chaeyoung is sat on the couch next to us. "Heejin, Heejin" she said. I smile at her. She was moving closer to me but I didn't mind that. "Chaeyoung, how about we give eomma a little room while she feeds the baby" Hoseok said. "No I want to cuddle her" Chaeyoung said. "You can when she's done feeding later" he said. He moves Chaeyoung away. I didn't mind her being next to me while I was feeding Heejin. After feeding I burp her and change her. "Now you can spend time with your baby sister, Chaeyoung" Hoseok said. "Yay!" she cheers. Chaeyoung sits on Hobi's lap and she holds Heejin. It's safe to hold her as she holds the baby. Heejin is only two days old. "My best friend, Appa. Heejin is my best friend" Chaeyoung said. "I know she is, baby girl and she loves you" Hoseok replies. "She's so good with her" I say. "I have the two most beautiful baby girls in the world and wife too of course" Hoseok said. I smile at him. Chaeyoung carries on holding Heejin for a few more minutes until she cried and wanted to be held by me. Chaeyoung is an amazing big sister and is already best friends with baby Heejin

Jin 💙


Jinho was born yesterday and we've just got home from the hospital with him. He's a good little boy. He's our third little blessing. We've just pulled up the driveway of our home. Jiyeon and Jinhwan are at home with my parents. They stayed with them overnight when Y/ N went into labor. I get out of the car and go to the back where Y/ N is with little Jinho. "Let's get you in to meet your big brother and sister, little guy" I say. "He's ready for meet them, Seokjin" Y/ N said. I open the door and walk into the lounge. The kids are sat watching TV with my mom and dad. "Hello. We're here" Y/ N said. "Hi. Let's see our new grandson" my dad said. "He's here. Saying hello to Mr Jinho" I say. "Awwww he's so cute, Appa" Jiyeon said. We settle in. Y/ N had to feed Jinho as he didn't need it doing before we left hospital. We came downstairs with him. The kids hadn't properly seen him. Jiyeon held him as she's the eldest. I think Jinhwan was a little sad that we brought his little brother home. "I love my brothers so much" Jiyeon said. "You're an amazing big sister, sweetheart" I reply. "Jinhwan, do you want to hold your little brother" Y/ N said. He looks at us and shakes his head. "No i take that as a no then, Jinhwan" she said. After my mom held Jinho and then my dad did. Jinhwan was feeling a little left out since we brought the baby home. He knows he's not going to be the youngest anymore. "Jinhwan, little man. Please don't be sad. Mommy and me love you so much" I say. Jinhwan gives us a little smile. He cheered up a little later. That's our boy. It's amazing to have another baby boy in our lives. We love all our children so much

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