13. Labor/ Delivery- Jin 💙

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It's one week before my due date. No sign of the baby yet. The other day I thought it was labor but it was just braxton hicks. We hope the baby comes soon. Jiyeon was two weeks early and Jinhwan was a week late. Hopefully this baby will come on time. We can't wait to be surprised with the gender. Boy or girl. It doesn't matter at all of course. We just can't wait to be parents for the third time and Jiyeon and Jinhwan can't wait be a big sister and brother. It's also just been Jin's birthday too. It's Christmas in a couple of weeks too. Maybe we will have a Christmas baby. Jin is taking the kids to the park again for a little while later. Maybe only am hour or so as there is some rain coming in later. They said they wouldn't go till the baby is here but they are going today. It was Jin's idea to get them out of the house for a little while. To give me sometime to myself. It's a week till my due date so I don't really want to go out. They understand anyway. For the past hour or so I haven't been feeling too good. I haven't told Jin as I don't want to ruin the kids day at the park. I sit on the couch and hope it passes. It feels like contractions to me. I've been through it twice before and I'm pretty sure it is. About 10 minutes later, Jin and the kids come down. "Okay we are going. Keep resting" he said. "Jin, I'm having contractions" I say. "Are you, honey? Are you okay" he replies. "Yes at the moment I am. Ohhhh there goes another one" I say. "Kids, I think it's best if you don't go to the park. The baby might be coming. I'm so sorry. I'll make it up to you" Jin said. "It's okay, Appa. Mommy and the baby are more important" Jiyeon said. "It's okay" Jinhwan said. "You two go and find something to do while I stay with eomma"
Jin said. The kids go upstairs and occupy themselves. Jin stays with me. "I'm so sorry, Jin" I say. "Baby, you don't have to apologise. You and the baby are more important that the kids going to be park. I'll take them next week instead" he replies. Jin monitors my contractions for me and when they become more regular we make our way to the hospital. My waters just broke too. One of our neighbours stayed with Jiyeon and Jinhwan until my sister came to look after them. The baby is definitely coming now

Jin is driving me in the car to the hospital. "Am I going too fast, jagiya?" he said. "Nope it's fine" I reply. "Sorry I shouldn't be panicking. This is the third time we've done this after all" Jin said. "It's okay. You're not" I reply. We arrived at the hospital soon. I didn't really feel like walking because my ankles have swollen quiet a lot so Jin got me a wheelchair and wheels me in. I get into a delivery room and slip into a hospital gown. Ugh I hate those things. The midwives examine me and look at the baby's heartbeat too. "Y/ N, you are already halfway dilated. Since this is your third baby it might not be too much longer" the midwife said. "Okay that's good" I say. "Baby is coming" Jin said holding my hand. "Yes they are" I reply. "I know it's gonna be a boy" he said. "We'll see" I reply. He stays by my side while I'm in labor. "I love you with all my heart, Y/ N. You are my wife, mother of my children and the love of my life. I love you so much. I think we should renew our vows after this baby is born" Jin said. "Seokjin, I love you so much. You are the love of my wife. I would marry you again a million times over. Yes" I reply. "Awe, baby I've been meaning to ask you that for a long time" he smiles. "I love you, Kim Seokjin" I smile. "I love you too, Kim Y/ N" Jin smiles. It's a couple of hours later and the midwife checks on me again. "7cm now, Y/ N. Not too much longer" she said. "That's great. Baby is going to make an appearance soon" Jin said. "Yes hopefully" I reply. He smiles and gives me a kiss on my cheek. He checks on the kids and they're fine with my husband and brother in law and their two kids. About another two hours later and I was half a centimetre off being dilated. The midwives tells me to push when it was time to. Jin holds my hand as I push. "Nice and easy does it, Y/ N" said the midwife. "I almost see the head" she said. I carry on pushing and pushing till the baby is born. "He's here. Congratulations it's a little boy" the midwife said. "Oh wow! We have another son. That's amazing" Jin said. "Yes we do. We do" I reply. "You did so well, jagiya" he said. We caught a glimpse of our newborn son for a moment

The midwives handed us our son when he was cleaned up and checked up. "Here he is. Our son" Jin said. "He is. He's adorable" I reply. "We are parents of three now" he said. "Yes I can't believe it" I reply. "He needs a name jagiya. What do you think?" Jin said. "Well we said we like Jinho or Jaehyuk if it was a boy so one of those names for him" I reply. "Yes definitely. I think Jinho would be a cute name for him" he said. "You said you like Jaehyuk" I say. "I did but he kinda looks like a Jinho. I think that will be a great name for him" he said. "Okay Jinho it is then" I smile. "Welcome to the world. Our boy, Jinho. Born just after daddy's birthday too" Jin smiles. We FaceTimed my parents to tell them that we have another baby boy and that he's here safely. "Hello. We would like to introduce someone" Jin said. "We have another son. This is Jinho. We just named him" I say. "He's adorable" my dad said. "Aawww look at him. Another handsome boy" my mom said. "We are over the moon" i smile. "Jiyeon, Jinhwan. Meet your new little brother" Jin said. "Hi, Jinho. I'm your big sister Jiyeon" Jiyeon said. "Brother" Jinhwan said. "We can't wait to bring him home for him to meet you two. He's gonna love you two" I say. "Come home" Jinhwan said. "We will very soon, buddy" Jin said. The most amazing thing was not finding out the gender of our baby. We have been surprised and blessed with a beautiful and adorable little boy who we can't wait to take home to his big sister and brother

 We have been surprised and blessed with a beautiful and adorable little boy who we can't wait to take home to his big sister and brother

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💙 Kim Jinho 💙
Born December 10th @ 5:13pm
Weight 7lbs 13oz

A/ N: here he is. The surprise baby. He's so cute. I thought the name Jinho would go with Jiyeon and Jinhwan and also Jin too. I wanted to keep the gender a secret

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