6. Finding Out The Gender

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Namjoon 💖

Namjoon and I have decided that we definitely want to find out the gender of our of second baby. We did with Namjae and we are with this baby. We all think and want it to be a girl. Namjae always asks for a baby sister. Awwww his sweet. He's the sweetest little boy and will make the best brother in the world. We are all on the way to the hospital for my 16 week scan. We managed to get one for a Saturday morning so Namjoon and Namjae can be here. Namjae is really excited to see his baby brother or sister for the first time. "We are almost there, buddy" Namjoon said. "Yay!" Namjae said. We arrived at the hospital soon and go in and check in. "I can't wait to see my baby sister" Namjae said. "I know, buddy. Let's hope it's a baby sister" Namjoon said. "It will be. It will be" Namjae exclaims. Soon I get called in for my scan. Namjae sits on Namjoon's lap as the lady examines me. We all look at our baby on the screen. "Baby" Namjae smiles. "Awe. You're going to be a great brother" the lady said. "Namjae, wants to know if he has a baby sister. He really wants a baby sister" I said. "You would like to find out the gender then" the lady said. "Yes please we would" I say. "It is a little girl. Namjae, you are having a baby sister" the lady said. "Yay! I'm so happy, mommy and daddy" he said. "That's amazing, buddy. We knew it would be a girl" Namjoon said. "I'm so happy, Joonie. I've always wanted a daughter" I say. Namjae was overjoyed to find out that he's getting a little sister. So are Namjoon and I. We are on cloud 9. Can't wait to meet our little girl


Hoseok 💜

I am 17 weeks on in my pregnancy now and Hoseok and I just found out the gender of our baby. We had my second scan yesterday and we found out that we are having another little girl. Another little princess. We are so excited for her arrival and Chaeyoung is too. She can't wait to meet her little sister. Hoseok was saying that he wanted another little girl and it's come true now. I was in two minds about the gender but we were happy to know when we found out it was a girl. We can't wait to meet our second little princess in the next few months. Hobi is so so excited. He hasn't stopped being excited since we found our yesterday. I am going to have three children to control soon. Hoseok and I are laying in bed waiting to fall asleep. "Jagiya, I still can't believe we are having another beautiful baby girl. I'm just so excited" Hobi said. "Me too. I cannot wait, Hobi. Another beautiful little girl indeed" I smile. "Another beautiful little girl just like her mama. That's where Chaeyoung gets her beauty from. You" Hoseok said. "Awwww, Hobi. Chaeyoung is just like you" I say. "No she's like her beautiful mother" Hoseok said. "Awwww, Hobi. I love you so much" I smile. "I love you so much too and Chaeyoung and our new baby girl too" I say. "Love you" I smile. Hobi smiles and kisses me. We can't believe we are having another little girl. We cannot wait to meet our second little princess in a few months time


Jin 💙

Jin and I have decided that we don't want to find out the gender of our third child. We found out the genders of our first two children but we figured we wanted to be surprised this time as this could be our last child. We obviously wouldn't mind what the gender is do the baby turns out to be. I think girl and Jin thinks boy. We are going to ask Jiyeon and Jinhwan if they can guess the gender of their sibling. We can't wait to be surprised but not until he or she is here in a few months time. We are sat at the dinner table having a family dinner with the kids. Jin and I both cooked together tonight, a delicious meal. We feed the kids healthy and we don't usually let them have unhealthy things. We are good parents. "Mommy, delicious" Jinhwan said. "Thank you, darling but me and your daddy made it together" I smile. Jinhwan smiles back. "So, Jiyeon and Jinhwan do you think the baby is a boy or a girl" Jin said. "Ummm I don't really mind but I'm going to say a girl but I wouldn't mind another little brother" Jiyeon replies. "Boy" Jinhwan said. "Well we are not finding out till he or she is born. Let's see if you're right" I say. "Why can't we find out now?" Jiyeon said. "Well me and Eomma want to wait till the baby is born" Jin said. "Okay that's fine. I like surprises" Jiyeon said. "I think a girl and Appa thinks boy" I say. The kids talk about how much they are looking forward to meeting their new brother or sister. We can't wait to find out the gender when the baby is born

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