14. Labor/ Delivery- Taehyung 🧡

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I am two days off my due date now. Baby Inseong could come anytime soon and we all cannot wait to meet him when he arrives. We are so excited to meet him. The triplets are excited to be siblings and Tae and I can't wait to be parents again. Our baby boy will be here anytime and we are very ready. We are glad that the triplets are 7 now and we decided to wait a while before we had another child as it would've been a lot. We are just a few days off welcoming ourselves fourth child into the world. Taehyung is out with the boys tonight. I'm at home with the kids. They wanted a night out. He almost didn't go as I'm just a couple of days off my due date but I told him to go and have fun before the baby comes. The kids are sat in front of the TV watching something and I'm in the kitchen putting things away from shopping earlier. I know i shouldn't be with being two days off giving birth. The kids are being good and just entertaining and occupying themselves. I grab a tin that needs putting away and get on the step ladder and put it in the top cupboard up high. Coming down I loose my balance and wobble a bit. I grab my bump and start to feel a pain. I wince a little and go into the lounge where the kids are. "Are you okay, eomma?" Minseo asks. "Yes, sweetie. I'll be okay" I say. I sit down on my comfy chair in the lounge. I didn't want to say anything to the kids that I was having contractions. They wouldn't know what to do. I sit there for a while and time my contractions. They are not that regular at the moment. It was more than at hour by the time Taehyung arrived home. The kids were in their pjs. "Hi, family. I'm home" he said. "Hey, daddy" Daehyun said. "Appa" Hwayoung said. "Are you okay, honey?" He asked. "Tae, I've been having contractions for the last hour. My waters haven't broken yet" I reply. "Really, honey. Why didn't you tell me?" he replies. "Sorry I didn't want to worry you" I reply. "Well I'll get these lot to bed and call my parents and then we'll head to the hospital" Taehyung said. "Okay that's fine. I don't think it will happen that quick" I reply. "You should've called me, sweet" he said kissing my forehead. Taehyung was about 15 minutes putting the kids to bed when we waited till his parents arrived before we go to the hospital

We arrived at the hospital soon. Tae's parents are staying the night at our place with the kids while I have the baby. That was the original plan anyway. Our baby boy should be here anytime. The midwives examined me when I arrived and I'm almost halfway dilated now. "My parents gave just checked on the kids and they are fast asleep" Tae said. "Good. I was having contractions for the best part of an hour before you came home" I say. "Jagiya, you should've called me. That was more important that me being out with the guys" Taehyung said. "I didn't want to frighten the kids. They are only young" I reply. "It's okay. We are here now and our little man is on his way" Tae said kissing my hand. "He is" I reply. "Don't go doing stuff like putting things away when I can do that. Please don't do that again. I'm cross with you. You should be resting" he said. "I'm sorry, Tae Tae" I reply. "No need to apologise, baby" he smiles. We carry on waiting till my labor progresses. Several hours later and it's approaching dawn and still no sign of our baby boy yet. "Come on, Inseong. Appa and eomma are dying to meet you. Please don't be long, son" Taehyung said. "Hopefully he won't be" I reply. "I'm just really anxious to meet him, babe" he said. We waited a few more hours until I was fully dilated and it was about time to push. Tae stayed by my side and held my hand. "Come on, jagiya. You're doing so well. I'm so proud of you" he kept saying. I didn't feel too bad as Tae was by my side of course. "He's nearly here, Y/ N" the midwife said. A few more pushes and our son Inseong was born. "Congratulations. He's amazing" the midwife said. We got to hold him straight away. "Hey, little man" I said. "He's a big boy but he's adorable" Tae said. "He certainly is" I reply. "Welcome to the world, Inseong" he smiles. Our boy is here and he's adorable

It's the afternoon now and Tae's parents are coming over with the kids soon. Inseong is a few hours old. They cannot wait to meet their baby brother. Inseong is being such a good little boy. I tried breastfeeding earlier and it went well. They are on their way now. "I can't wait for our eldest to meet our youngest" Taehyung said. "Me too. Well not long now, Tae" I reply. Inseong is asleep next to me in the hospital cot. Soon there is a knock on the door and Taehyung's parents walk in. Daehyun, Minseo and Hwayoung run in after them. "We're here" exclaimed Minseo. "Hello, guys" I say. "Meet your little brother Inseong. He's adorable isn't he" Taehyung said. "Cute" Hwayoung said. "I finally have a brother" Daehyun said. The kids gathered another Inseong and took a look at him. "He's really good. No trouble at all" I say. "That's good to hear" Tae's mom said. "Were we good when we were babies" Hwayoung asked. "Fairly but you had you're moments" Taehyung replied. The triplets spent a while getting to know their new baby brother. They all loved him even Hwayoung who wanted to be the youngest forever. Tae's mom and dad held Inseong too. They stayed for just over an hour and it was great. Hopefully tomorrow we'll be coming home with Inseong all being well. Can't wait to get him home and be one big happy family

💙 Kim Inseong 💙Born February 27th @ 7:07amWeight 9lbs 5oz

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💙 Kim Inseong 💙
Born February 27th @ 7:07am
Weight 9lbs 5oz

A/ N: awwww so cute. He's a big boy. Love the sleep suit he's wearing. I thought it would be cute to include the triplets meeting him in the hospital. Next part I will reveal the name of Jimin's baby boy. Can't wait

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