Adora pouts and stands next to me. "Shall we just give Glimmer all the details? I don't mind, you know."

"Me neither," I say, shrugging. "You'd just tell her everything anyway."

"Urgh, it was cuter when you got flustered," Adora says, her shoulders sagging.

"Aww, did I ruin your little game? I'm sooo sorry."

"Guys," Glimmer says, tapping her foot, "Come on, you have a lot of catching up to do."


We follow Glimmer up Darla's ramp, into a large cargo area packed full of crates. Everyone else is already here; Entrapta is with Emily, checking over the labels on a stack of crates. Scorpia is further ahead waving at us excitedly, standing next to Perfuma who smiles and dips her head in greeting, and Bow is sat cross-legged on the floor, biting the tip of his tongue while fiddling with the tip of an arrow.

"Now I feel bad for making everyone wait," Adora says, running her hand across the back of her neck.

"I'm sure they'll forgive us," I say, watching as Melog bounces over from the far side of the room. "Hi buddy," I say, crouching down and butting heads with them. "Miss me?"

"Of course," they say, sniffing around me.

"Yes we did, before you ask."

Melog huffs, and sits next to me, yawning. "I wasn't going to ask."

"Sure you weren't."

Glimmer coughs. "Okay, everyone's finally here," she says, narrowing her eyes at the two of us.

"Everyone?" I ask, looking around. "Where's Hordak?"

"He's decided to stay behind and help Dad with some new projects."

"Plus he wants to stay with his brothers," Entrapta says, hopping into a spot next to me. "I've been observing all of them, and I believe they're actually bonding!" she says, her eyes widening.

"Entrapta," Glimmer says, smiling. "Are you ready to show us around?"

"Yes! Oh boy, you're gonna love this!," she says, bouncing up the next ramp and through the wide doorway. "Follow me!"


"This is the mess hall," Entrapta says matter-of-factly, shooing us all into the room. There's an oval, silver table in the center, with ten cushioned stools placed around it, and around the edge of the room are various cupboards, appliances and a sink. "You can eat here. Oh! And look what I made!"

She scuttles over to one of the appliances, a tall, rectangular machine with a few narrow slots in the middle, and a receptacle on the bottom, in which Entrapta sets a plate.

Entrapta places her lips closer to the small slots. "Tiny cupcake."

The machine makes a subtle, electrical whirring noise, there's a soft glow, and two seconds later, a small cake appears on the plate.

"Tadaa!" Entrapa says, holding the frosted treat up. "It's tiny, and delicious!"

I twitch my ears. "You seriously made a tiny cupcake dispenser?"

"Oh no, that would be absurd," Entrapta says, chomping the cake down. She places the plate back into the machine, and puts her mouth near the hollow grooves again. "Tiny tuna sandwiches."

A small pile of teeny, tiny triangle-cut sandwiches appear, and Entraptra holds up her plate, grinning widely. "I've programmed it to understand most etherian recipes. You should try it!"

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