ch-5, let them try

9 2 0

Talia Hendricks

When I arrive, the party is already in full swing, kids stumbling in the garden, even drunk nobody misses my presence and the fear evident on anyone's face whom I pass keeps the smirk up on my face.

I wasn't planning on coming to this party but I need a loud night to keep me from lashing out.

That stupid old bitch just made his own life a whole lot harder, I think.

Tap-tap Tap-tap

I keep tapping my nails on the back of phone in a rythm as I walk through the massive house. Some guy handed me a glass of whisky as soon as I walked in and I sip from it as I look at the dance floor lit by strobe lights, figures appearing in brief neon flashes.

The guys leering at me shamelessly are starting to annoy me. I can't blame them, in the skintight vermilion red dress and dark make-up, I did look hot.

I hand my cup to a random girl and walk to the dance floor. The music is so loud that I can't hear myself think properly and I revel in it, the brief moments of anonymity. I tip my head back and release a heavy breath.

Tommorow, I think, I can ruin the world a little bit more tomorrow.

Right now I can just be in the sound of my silver bracelets chiming in too loud music to be heard by anyone but me.

I feel a hand wrapping around my waist from behind and I turn around, sharp words at the tip of my tongue.

"Do not fucking touch me." I take a closer look "Do I know you?"

The guy is around my age and tall, with slicked back black hair, straight nose, broad shoulders, freakishly pale skin and lanky limbs. His eyes are so light they look transparent but I can't figure out their colour in this lighting, I'll guess blue.

But there's something of about him, something I can't quite put my finger on, and then there's this feeling that we've met before.

"I know you." He says through an easy going smile.

"Don't dodge my questions or..." I trail of threateningly.

"Or what you'd kill me?" Gone is his smile, replaced by something so bitter in the way he says it, like irony and old grudges and betreyal.

And I know that I've met him before, more accurately hurt him before. I can't say it bothers me, I've ruined the lives of more people than I care to count, and am sure to have people wanting to kill me.

So, let them try.

"If your gonna threaten me now, save it. I don't have the time or the patience for your empty threats right now." I sigh, "Next time just act on them instead, that is far more exciting."

I start to walk away but he grabs hold of my hand and twirls me back in his hold like we were in some dance, automatically my hand goes to the gun strapped to my thigh. The whole spectatal will be hard to notice in the crowded dance floor, not that anyone would've dared to object.

"You're excitement will get you killed on day, Tali." He whispers against my ear.

I pause at that. Those words, that nickname. How does he know? And if he knows that how much more does he know?

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