Ch-2-: Almost killed, again.

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Avery Jillian

"What? What do I not know?" I demand.

She shakes her head and mutters to herself, "This is going to be fun."

"Are you ever planning on telling me anything?" I say annoyed, "Cause this is getting hella irritating."

She thinks for a second and shrugs, "Not really." She them turns and goes back to the drivers door with me following.

"Not really," I actually screech "Not really. What the heck does that mean"

"Jillian, huh? The name's familiar, I'll have to find out some things." she says getting in and shutting the door.

I hold the door and poke my head in the car. "Oh no, we are not going anywhere till you tell me exactly what the frick was all that about." I say.

"Maybe you aren't, but I'm done."


She pulls out a card and hands it to me, "You might need it."

"You can't just leave me here! "

In response she slams the door in my face, literally, it would've made an Avery pancake if I didn't move my face.

"This is no way to treat a hostage!" I shout as she ignites the car and takes of.

"I'm going to give you a bad Yelp review on hostage treatment!" I yell, waving my arms around at the distant silver spot.

Sighing, I look down at the card in my hand. It's the most simple card ever with charcoal black background and two lines printed in silver. No address or business. It perfectly says 'My perfect horrible spooky business'.

Talia Hendricks

*** ***** ***

I learned somethings today. I learned that this town is crazy. I also learned that going to a secluded place with said crazy town person might not be the best idea. And most importantly, I learned that this fucking crazy town also part times as a mother-fucking maze.

I roam through shady roads for hours maybe days, I was cold and hungry and sweaty.

Wait, cold and sweaty? Whatever.

After a while I imagine I can hear the screeching noises of plasmen from the many labs Terra told me this town has. Why the heck would you need them in labs when there are thousands of them literal miles from here! I'm convinced it's solely to spoil young girls lost in this place.

I see a group of normal-ish people at the side of the road and debate on asking them for directions, it's not like they'll suddenly point a gun at my head and try to kill me. Right? Then think better of it and try to move past them silently.

One of them, a cute guy in the cliché ducatti and lung cancer way, sees me and turns to me with a smirk on his face and starts grossly checking me out. Well, he just checks me out. But that means sucking faces and getting gross. And eww gross. Boys are gross.

Yeah, this whole thing was a bad idea. You think, that annoying little voice in my head says. God I hate her.

"You look lost. Can I help you? " He says with a sweet smile. Eww.

"Uhm, no, nothing I was just..." One of other guy's eyes widen with recognition and he turned to whisper something in gross guy's ear.

What did I say about not a good idea again?

"Do you really think it's her?"

Who? What now? I want answers goddammit! Oh god, my curiosity will kill me, literally.

"I'm right here..." I get cut off as they start to argue among themselves. I swear to god I'm about to punch someone.

I get an excuse to do exactly that when one of them pushes me in the middle of the circle. Another one, the whisperer, pulls my sweater aside before I could karate chop his arm of. His eyes widening even more at the tattoo.

This tattoo again! You have got to be kidding me!

So maybe it is like they'll suddenly point a gun at my head and try to kill me. Because that's exactly what gross guy does. A cheap HELLCAT. I'm guessing pulling out a gun is like buying milk in this town.

So, this is bad.

My crazy dad really is coming in handy in this town, because he also kept dragging in over the top trainers for me. I was hoping the skills would be useful in a zombie apocalypse, but I guess this works too.

I wrap on hand on the nozzle of the gun, the guy is too shocked to react as I yank it sideways while sliding my right leg behind his legs and swipe.

I use my other leg to spin and land behind him with the the gun in my hand. While he stumbles, I use the opportunity to land a little kick in his neck that will not cause much damage and a strong punch to his back that make my knuckles ache and him fall smack dab on his back.

His goons start reacting and one, of the seven, tries to grab the gun which I duck at the same time I kick the waist of the guy trying to tackle me from the back.

The first guy takes a step forward and I jab at his jaw, drawing blood. A third guy took the chance to shove me to the side and snatch the gun from my hand , where a fourth guy grabbed me by the throat.

I tried to claw at his hands only to be slammed to the ground by the first two guys and held down.

The guy choking me was the hulk if he was evil. He had the kind of scary watery eyes and that sadistic look to him. So basically if I thought I was in trouble before I was really screwed now. I keep struggling to free myself as he starts choking me, stopping my air supply. He was smiling all this time.

Soon, the world started blurring and darkness started spreading in the corner of my eye. My attempts to free my arms became more and more sloppy with each second and my eyes started drooping closed. I manage to free an arm only long enough to scratch the guy chocking me on the face before being held down again.

"We are not supposed to kill her." I hear a voice from very far away, yet it felt like he was yelling right at my ear.

Suddenly, when I felt my eyes closing, I felt the guy on top of me being ripped away and heard fighting every where.

I caught my breath and as fast as I could, without you know dying, I open my eyes to see dark blue eyes staring at me, kneeling beside me. I quickly pulled up my sweater. Because I would seriously flip out if I almost get killed for the the third time in the day by a total stranger because of that freaking cursed tattoo.

I sit up and rubbing my neck, "And who the hell will you be?"


*** ***** ***

For those who didn't get it Jaxon is Talia's leader. Next chapter is in his pov. Update tomorrow

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