Chapter 53: Fire

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Chapter 53: Fire

V and Jungkook were currently hiding on the different pillars. They were both panting heavily due to exhaustion and the men in black kept throwing bombs. Jungkook signals V to check if an enemy is coming.

V nodded his head, he looked at them. He skillfully aimed their three heads and he hid on the pillar. Yet, he didn't notice there's someone behind him. He got caught, covering his mouth and pointing the gun at his head.

"Don't move if you don't want to die." He threatened while he was forcing V to stand up.

Jungkook got alarmed, he stood up, pointing him with his gun too.

"Put down your gun!" He ordered Jungkook who was still pointing a gun at him.

"Let him go! There's no point in doing this! Your boss was dead!" Jungkook retorted.

"Even he was dead, he still left money for us but to make sure this boy will be dead!" He retorted and he almost choked V.

Meanwhile, Jungkook was signaling V to take a seat with his fingers. V was hesitating because it was very dangerous, he might get shot.

"Let him go! Your boss won't know about it!" Jungkook fired back still signaling V.

V sighed, he immediately did what Jungkook wants. He squats down and Jungkook shot the man in the face.

"Let's go." Jungkook uttered, helping V to stand up.

"You'll gonna die, Jungkook!" Alisha yelled appearing behind him.

She shot Jungkook on the back, V pulled Jungkook towards him and he shot Alisha on her forehead like what Chanyeol told him to do with Jungkook.

"J-Jungkook" V muttered worriedly when Jungkook fell on the top of him.

"I-I'm fi--- Argh!" Jungkook hissed and he coughed up with blood.

"Nuh-no, please let's go, we can't stay here." V retorted panicking.

He was trying to help Jungkook, trying to make the impossible, possible.

"J-just leave me" Jungkook stuttered.

"No, please fight, we had to leave. Please." V uttered while tears fell in his eyes.

He flinched when bombs not far from them started to explode.

"J-just go a-alone! W-we can't die together!" Jungkook retorted and his sight was blurry.

"Don't say that! We're going to survive here! Please stand up!" V cried while trying his best to carry Jungkook.

Another bomb explodes once again, the building was ruined and covered with fire. Jungkook was limping when V carried him to go out of the building. Every time they step, they can hear the bomb exploding near them.

They both flinched when a huge bulletin board fell in front of him and it blocked the way out of the building.

"No!" V screamed when he fell to the ground.

He put down Jungkook in the safe place, he attempted to remove the bulletin board out of the exit. Yet, the fire was fast to stop him from doing it.

"You should've left me alone, you'll be safe right now." Jungkook weakly uttered while watching the fire eating the place surrounding them. He hissed when his back was stinging.

"Are you okay? What's wrong?" V inquired and went near at him.

"I-I think, I-I can't do it anymore. I-I just want to sleep now, Taehyung." Jungkook muttered in a whisper tone.

"Just wait a minute, don't sleep. Trust me, I'll help you to get out of here. Just don't close your eyes." V pleaded.

Yet, the bomb explodes and the fire went rage. It looks like lava coming towards them. Their safe place was slowly getting eaten by the fire. The fire was moving rapidly and looked like it going to burn them alive.

V was frozen, he was watching the fire with no hope in his eyes. Maybe, they won't get survive in this situation. He didn't notice that Jungkook was slowly closing his eyes and the darkness covered his sight.

Suddenly, V heard footsteps coming. He grabbed the stone, threw it on the bulletin board, and he was asking for them to rescue them.

"Help! We're here! Please help us!" V yelled.

He attempted to make a sound to get that someone's attention. The footsteps were getting louder which made V lighten up.

"Jungkook, hold on, I told you were going to survive." V uttered smiling a little.

He heard no response, he looked at Jungkook who was now unconscious.

"Jungkook" V mumbled, going to Jungkook's body.

He shook Jungkook's body but Jungkook wasn't responding.

"Jungkook, are you okay? Jungkook" V called out but he just saw Jungkook's body was pale.

He scanned him and check his pulse.

"Hold on, Jungkook, you can do this, okay? Please wake up, Jungkook, you can't die here." V begged.

He looked behind him, he saw the fire was slowly getting lost.

"Here, there are two alive!" The firemen yelled.

He gave V the mask to make sure he won't breathe the black smoke.

"Sir, help him, please." V pleaded to the firemen.

"We will do that, get him out safely! Check the area!" The firemen ordered his colleagues.

Three firemen arrive, two of them holding a stretcher while the one was leading V out of the building. They set Jungkook on the stretcher and moved out.

"They're coming" Namjoon uttered when saw V.

"Where's Jungkook?" Jin inquired.

They saw him laying on the stretcher while he was unconscious. They immediately came to him, but the doctor already pushed the stretcher inside the ambulance.

"Let's go!" Yoongi yelled when he opened the door van.

They rapidly got inside and Yoongi started to drive. Meanwhile, V was just watching them leaving away from the building.

"We have to come to the hospital, I want to check if you got damage anywhere, is that okay with you?" The doctor asked for V's permission.

V hummed and nodded his head in response.

"Okay, get inside the ambulance. We're going now." The doctor uttered.

He helped V to get inside the ambulance since he was weak and exhausted.

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