My baby. I lost my baby. Why? Why did this happen? Where's Seth? Is he okay?

The doors opened and another lady came in. "Hello, I'm doctor Walsh and I'll be taking care of you. Nurse Darla told me she caught you up on some things. How are you feeling?" She asked

"Broken. I lost my baby. I've been in a coma for 5 months. I don't even know where everyone is. Where's Seth? The guy that was in the accident with me. Is he here? Is he okay?"

"I will check and see if we have someone under his name. As for your family, I called your father and he's on his way. Do you know where you are?"

"The hospital?" I questioned.

"You're at West Hills hospital. Now can you tell me your age?" Oh I'm only the next town over from my home town.

"Um.. I should be 18 now" I answered.

"Very good. Are you feeling any pain?" She asked

"No... Why was I in a coma?" I asked.

"Well a coma can be caused by many things but considering you've been in a pretty bad car accident the cause here was a head injury. You also broke two ribs and your right femur. We were able to get you into surgery and you've healed while you were in your coma." She said.


"It's the bone in your thigh" She answered.

"Ow" I thought about how much that would hurt. I don't remember any of it. Thank goodness.

"How much longer do I have to be here?" I asked

"We will keep you for 48 hours, just to keep an eye on you and run some test and make sure everything is going okay before we let you go home." She said.

I sighed. "Any more questions?" She asked.

"I Just wanna know if Seth is okay."

"What's his last name? I'll check for you." She said.

"Seth Preston" I said.

"Okay, I'll go check on that now. Let me see about getting you something to eat as well." She said.


When she left the nurse came back in and did stuff on the computer and then took some of my blood. She checked my blood pressure and temperature and all that Jazz before leaving again.

The nurse came in again after about 10-15 minutes. "You're good to go on eating. So here's lunch. It's turkey sandwich, apple sauce and cranberry juice. Let me know if you want something else. And Doctor Welsh mentioned you want information on Seth Preston." She said


"He was a patient here about 5 months ago. He was here for about a week and was discharged." She said.

"Oh okay thank you." I said.

"Just press this button if you need anything." She handed me a remote with a bunch of buttons and pointed to a big button.

"Okay, thank you" I said again. She left the room. I sat and ate my food. When I finished I heard the door open.

I looked and seen my dad. "Dad!" I smiled when I seen him.

"Jade, my angel! You're okay! You're awake! Thank you thank you thank you!" He said walking over and embracing me in a hug.

"I'm so sorry daddy."

"Don't be sweetheart. It wasn't your fault. I'm just glad you're okay and you're alive and awake. The doctors kept saying you were loosing your chances of waking up but I didn't want to lose hope. I knew your mother wouldn't let you leave me so soon" He said still hugging me.

Never Untouched : Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now