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"Guess what I have!" Hunter said as he entered my room.

"McDonald's!" He sat it on my lap.

"Oh yay. Although this hospital food is not that bad my stomach is craving a burger and fries." I said excited opening the bag.

"So tell me.. Do you know what you're doing when you get out of here?" Hunter asked setting a chair by the bed.

"Well.. I haven't thought much of it.. I guess New Hampshire is out of the question. I guess I'll have to go back to dads" I shrugged.

"What about your bakery dreams?" Hunter asked.

"I guess I'll have to start a new plan." I said.

"You are taking this well... What have they done to you?" He said poking me.

I swatted his hand away.

"I don't know. I just feel safe at the moment. I know I should probably feel horrible about loosing my baby but I feel like I'm just numb to that right now. Like it was a dream. But I know that one day it'll hit me and it won't be pretty." I said.

"And we'll all be here for you." Hunter said.

"Thanks Hunter." I said finishing off my fries.

There was a light knock on the door. "Come in!" I said.

"Hey" Carter poked his head in.

"Hey, come in." I said.

"About time dude your fries are gonna be stale at this point" Hunter said holding up a McDonald's bag.

"Thats why they give you a bag, to keep it closed, hot and fresh." Carter said snatching the bag out of Hunters hand.

"I see nothing has changed between you two" i said.

"Nope, he's still my best friend" Hunter said slapping Carter on the back as he walked by.

"Yes the constant torture of a roommate." Carter said.

"Roommate? You guys are living together?" I asked excited for them.

"Yup, we got an apartment. Plus Carter needed help with the rent since Lilly left and i needed somewhere to stay since i got kicked out of the dorms" Hunter said and set his feet up on my bed.

"Wait what? You got kicked out of the dorm rooms?" I asked in shock. What could Hunter possibly done to get kicked out? Did he enter the wrong room by accident? Did he scream in his sleep? Sometimes he gets night terrors.. Steal someones dog?. Wait.. Can you have dogs in dorms? I highly doubt it.

"You didn't hurt anyone did you?" I asked him slightly worried he could have got into a fight for a stupid reason. Or maybe by accident.

"Oh quite the opposite, the bad boy did bad things." Carter said looking at Hunter shaking his head.

"Its not that big of a deal. I mean it's college, live life to the fullest right?" Hunter said putting his hands behind his head.

I kicked his feet off the bed. "Tell me what you did you little bastard".

"Okay geez" Hunter put his hands in the air.

"Who is this new person? and where the hell is Hunter?" I pointed at Hunter over my shoulder as i turned to Carter to speak.

"Jade you really don't wanna know cause you'll be disappointed" Hunter said.

I looked at Carter and he nodded his head.

"Tell me" I said itching to know.

Hunter sighed "Fine...; I got kicked out of the dorm rooms, because... I was caught... Having sex in the communal bathrooms." He quickly said the last part and looked down in shame.

Never Untouched : Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now