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"Percy, your father has summoned you to Olympus. Argus is ready to go, please leave immediately," Chiron said as Percy and Annabeth ran up to the Big House.

"Can I go?" Annabeth asked, lacing her fingers with Percy's.

"Poseidon didn't summon you dear, but I'm sure it will be alright. Now run along!"

"Bye Chiron!" Percy called, pulling Annabeth over to Half-Blood Hill.

* * *

"Hey Dad, what's up?" Percy said upon walking into the throne room and only seeing Poseidon sitting on his throne.

"Son, thank you for coming so quickly. Ah, and Annabeth, hello dear," Poseidon greeted. "I have a quest for you. Annabeth may join you, but no one else may know about it, unless it is vital to the quest, understand?"

"Yes sir," Annabeth replied.

"What is the quest?" Percy inquired.

"I need you to go retrieve a daughter of Iris, from Southern California," Poseidon answered, glancing away at the demigods.

"Umm, with all due respect, Lord Poseidon, but isn't that a job for satyrs? Or even the Romans?" Annabeth questioned.

"Well, yes, but I need Percy to do it."

"Why?" Percy asked.

"You will understand when the time is right. Plus, what's not to hate? Southern Cali, right on the ocean, warm, away from everything and everyone. It'll be romantic, at least some parts."

"Minus the monsters and quest part," Annabeth mumbled. "Oh wait, that's the whole thing."

"Fine, we'll go. What's her name, how old is she, stuff like that. We need details. Well, Annabeth needs details," Percy said, quieting Annabeth.

"Yes, yes, you will find that all in these bags," Poseidon said, snapping his fingers, two backpacks appearing. "Iris-Message me with updates as frequently as possible. Zeus is allowing you safe passage to fly, Percy, so don't miss your flight. Here are your plane tickets. Good luck, it shouldn't be a dangerous mission at all."

With that, Poseidon waved his hand and Percy, Annabeth and their bags dissolved, being sent to the airport.

Seconds later, a young 15 year old girl walked in. She had black hair, natural beach waves flowing through, all the way to her shoulder blades. She was a fairly short height of 5'5", but she didn't mind. She had a naturally flawless tan, with freckles dotting her face. Her jawline and cheekbones were visibly, but is a very pretty way, not a half starved way. The most noticeable feature had to be her eyes. They were a gorgeous sea-green, with flecks of blue and gold, looking like the ocean waves. Basically, she was the girl version of Percy and Poseidon, who looked basically the same.

"Hali," Poseidon greeted, not sure how his extremely moody daughter was feeling.

"Father. What do you need, I was surfing," Hali replied, clearly annoyed, but not destructively annoyed.

"I have another quest for you. Do you know Violet? She's 12 years old, and she lives near Santa Monica as well."

"Oh, yeah I know her, she always gets a vanilla milkshake with rainbow sprinkles."

"Her mother is Iris, goddess of—"

"I know who Iris is, Dad. Anyways, I'm guessing you want me to safely bring her to Camp Half-Blood, right?"

"Correct, but I don't want you to mist travel."

"Uhh why not?"

"Because that is a long way to go by yourself, let alone with another demigod. Plus, we don't want to freak her out. It'll be fine, road trip!"

Hali rolled her eyes. "I can't drive, I'm 15."

"Well that's never stopped you from creating a driver out of different states of water, has it?" Poseidon inquired, raising and eyebrow.


"Ok, good."

"Do you have a certain date you want her at camp?"

"Not really, but try to leave California this week."

"Ok, bye."

"Good luck, daughter."


Hellllooooo peepsles! Whether you're here from my other book, because you read the original version or just cause you decided to click on it, welcome, and thank you!

For those who were reading the previous version and enjoyed it, I'm sorry but I'm like completely changing the plot for the most part. I do hope you'll still read it and enjoy it and stuff.

I am open to suggestions, whether they're for the book or to better my writing, please tell me! Also, I wouldn't mind if you'd vote ;)

So, school started on Wednesday, it is now Friday, my updating day for now. My goal is to update both this book and my other book, The Royal Secret every Friday, but I may only get one book in. This week though, I got both books updated, so be sure to go check that one out and vote for it as well! I would suggest added the books to your library and following me for updates and such, as my schedule is subject to change as the school year wears on.

Speaking of school, what grade are you in? Have you started yet? When do you start? Is it at home or in school? If it is in school, are there any restrictions such as masks or social distancing?

For me, I just started 9th grade, high school. We have to wear masks, and there are no water fountains available. Also, there are usually 7 classes a day, but now it is block schedule. One week we have classes 1, 2 and 3, the next week classes 4, 5 and 6. We dropped the 7th class.

I would love to hear about your school situations! Hope you guys all have a fun and safe school year!

Hope you liked it, please vote if you wanna ❤️

Published: Friday, August 21, 2020

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