8: Against Thy Neighbor

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HAHA, I have air conditioning again! After 15 brutal days of at least 86 degree rooms or higher with humidity constantly around 60%, we have been saved. I live in Florida, so... it's hot as hell in my room. The other day it was freaking 93 degrees upstairs.

On another happy note, I finished my Anthropology course and ended with a 91! WHOOHOO! Now I have nothing left to do for like two weeks besides some band rehearsals on Thursdays. So that means I have a whole lot of time to write, and I've gotten some new motivation to keep going.

I would like to thank two people: Abbikazoo on AO3, and MaddyStorger on Wattpad for leaving such kind words on my chapters. I truly does mean a lot to see that you enjoy them and is a huge motivation and confidence booster. So, please comment, vote, leave kudos, or whatever it is. (You know since I'm posting this on 4 different sites.)

Just to clarify. Dieterle sounds like DEE-Ter-LEE. I can see why a lot of people would mispronounce that, so I just wanted to fix that.

Published August 19, 2020


Morristown Headquarters. February 17, 1777

Will groggily entered headquarters, tired from the late-night search.

"Good morning Pickler," came a cheeky voice. "Wide awake I see."

The blonde rubbed the sleep from his eyes, "Not funny Hamilton."

"So are you going to tell me about your late-night excursion?" Alex questioned.

"Why are you so nosy?" Will shot back.

"Because my friend went missing for several hours. I know it has something to do with a prisoner exchange and Robert Rogers."

"Fine," he groaned. "Major Tallmadge's brother, Samuel, was on an exchange list. Except it wasn't his brother, it was someone named Selah who knew Samuel, who Rogers posed as his brother to exact revenge on the Major. A standoff broke out in neutral territory, when Ben didn't return I decided to go looking for him. I ran into them on the road and returned to camp with them."

"Oh," was all Alexander could say.

"Don't go telling this to other people, alright."

"Relax, you know I can keep a secret. You wouldn't be here if I couldn't."

"Not if you keep talking like that," Will warned.

Just as William spoke, Mr. Sackett walked into the hallway. "Ah, there you are. Captain Pickler, might I have a word."

William breathed deeply and nodded. He gave Alex a nervous smile and followed the spymaster.

"First, congratulations. General Washington was impressed by your plan and is of the opinion that you continue working with Major Tallmadge and me for the foreseeable future," Mr. Sackett announced.

The young Captain visibly relaxed.

Mr. Sackett continued, "however, I am slightly surprised you never told me about Mr. Mulligan."

Will froze. "How did you-"

"The general told me yesterday," he answered. "But I understand, he hasn't procured any intelligence yet. I hope that once he does, he can work with our Mr. Culpepper."

"Of course, sir," Will answered, anxious to get out.

"While you are still here, is there anything else you haven't told me?"

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