PSA About Today's Capitol Insurrection

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January 6, 2021

While I won't be going into explicit details about today, I do mention and compare it to 1930/40's fascist Germany. Using the names of people and political parties of the time. I didn't know whether to add this, but it felt better to be safe and give a warning in case anyone is sensitive with the subject.

I know this isn't a chapter but I feel obligated to use my platform to spread this.

What happened at the Capitol today, is nothing less than horrifying. I am turning 18 this year, and have NEVER felt as scared about our democracy as I was today. Trump's baseless claims about election fraud, to the point where he is telling his supports to protest the count, goes against every this county stands for.

I'm going to stop real quick and just say, if you disagree with this and believe a president trying to overturn election results is ok, then you should leave. Because my platform is NOT for you, this entire fic is about the creation of the current oldest democracy in history. Trump consistently abused power attacking the very foundation of how our democracy and Republic are built upon.

As an avid lover of history, especially about the American Revolution, seeing the original 13-star flag being waved along with the Trump flags sickened me. The founders NEVER would have supported this. While many associate Washington with establishing many of the precedents for American Presidents, like letting go of power. It was John Adams, who after losing his reelection in 1800 ACCEPTED the results and graciously stepped out of the way. A peaceful transition of power, like they intended. All one-term presidents have done this... that was until Trump. Today wasn't a protest or riot. It was an insurrection, a coup to undermine our government.

There is one quote that I have ALWAYS loved. History never repeats itself, but it always echoes.

What is happening right now, with all the Trump supporters. It is an echo of Nazi Germany, Trump isn't a Republican he's an authoritarian. His use of popularism mimics the tactics Hitler used to gain power and influence.

After watching the ball drop on New Year's, my mom and I watched the latest Borat movie. Note it is NOT suitable for children... so kiddos (like under 16) don't watch it. But basically, a man goes under the alias Borat and pretends to film a documentary. But in reality, he's recording actual people who have no idea that the film will go into a movie. In one scene Borat goes to a Unite the Right rally and sings a song and gets others to sing with him. Some of the lyrics are really disconcerting, but they went along with it. Trumpers are so enticed by Trump they believe anything he says. They are not patriots. They are no pro-America. They are pro-Trump as evidenced by the fact there were more MAGA/Trump flags than American ones.

Which brings me back to my original statement. Trump is a fascist, and to see this country come this close today should frighten everyone. There is no evidence of mass voter fraud. Joe Biden will be the next President, he had 7 million more votes! Hell, even Mitch McConnell said it, the voters have spoken and to overturn their vote undermines the very values of our Republic.

There is so much more I want to say like where on Earth was the tear gas and rubber bullets? This was far more violent than like 99% of the BLM protests, but the cops were hesitant to get involved. The trumpers had GUNS and there was barely any tear gas.

Thank god for the staffer who rescued the Electoral College ballots from the Senate floor before the chamber was breached. Trumpers would have surely burned them.

I wish that every single person there would be tried for sedition, but after what happened with the police, it never will. But the people who actually entered the Capitol, the people who were arrested inside NEED and DESERVE to be tried for sedition.

As much as I dislike Pence and McConnell, I will say I have gained some respect for them. Pence is going completely against Trump, calling for an end to the violence when Trump wouldn't. And also refused to do anything with the electors besides reading and confirm the vote as president of the Senate. McConnell is trying to convince the rest of his party to stop trying to contest the results of the election. Trump calls Pence a coward for following his sworn duty TO THE CONSTITUTION AND THE AMERICAN PUBLIC! And from what I've heard, there are death threats to Mike Pence for that. That is DEEPLY disturbing.

I'm getting a little off-topic here, but I predict that if something doesn't change, the Republican party is going to split. I have no problems with Republicans, I disagree but hold respect for them (such as Mitt Romney and McCain). But Trumpers? I have no respect or tolerance for them. I honestly believe the party will split between these two factions, what scares me is how there are enough extreme right-wing people to form their own party.

I cannot find the words to express how angry, disgusted, sickened, outraged, and a bit scared I am. America was designed to be a leader in democracy and today shows how easily it can fall apart when a populist individual essentially brainwashes his base.

But I do have hope. When the Civil War began, the stakes were much more than will the Union be preserved. At the time, Europe was beginning to transfer into more democratic forms of government instead of monarchies. They watched, waiting to see if a Republic/Democracy could actually work or if it would fall apart. The Union wasn't just at stake, it was the future of democracy. And because the North won, it proved to the rest of the world that democracies wouldn't fall apart.

As I said before, history echoes. Today was another challenge, but I do believe at the end our Republic will remain standing. And future generations will learn from our past mistakes. Avoiding hyper nationalistic, populist individuals from gaining positions of power.

I know it wasn't a chapter, but I am working on finishing up Chapter 9. It is almost done and I hope to get it up by the end of the week. Thank you for reading and your patience.

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