4: Battle Commences

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A.N. I was once again at a loss for what to put here, but I didn't want to leave you with a short chapter. So what I did was combine Chapters 4 and 5 into one. Chapter 5 is pretty short, only 1,700 words. Combining them would give me a 4,000+ word chapter, which is what I'm aiming for.


Harlem Heights, New York. September 16, 1776.

William couldn't understand how things could get any worse. They hadn't even been at Harlem Heights for four days before the British launched another attack early that morning. He shot another redcoat from the safety of the trench before ducking and reloading his musket. The British had become overconfident with their recent victories and were now paying the price.

It wasn't even noon when the British retreated. The Continental's had finally won, restoring faith within the war. The troops started giving loud "huzzahs" around the field as they saw the backs of the British. Smiling William realized that this was his first-ever real battle encounter with the British. Although short, it was a victory nonetheless. He met Hamilton's eyes and the two shared a smile as they took part in the celebrations.


General Washington saw the British retreat and smiled to himself. After all his mistakes, perhaps he could lead the rebel army to victory and perhaps find Gwen in the process.


Manhattan, New York. September 22, 1776.

British Captain John Montresor rode along under his white flag of truce with a message from General Howe. He was to meet with Washington's aides to express British concerns and complaints about breaches of war-etiquette, prisoner exchanges, and other formalities to negotiate with the enemy.

Climbing the steps of Roger Morris's hilltop mansion — now occupied by the American commander — Montresor recognized an artillery officer standing on the sidelines. He had known Alexander Hamilton when he was a student at King's College.

He approached his former classmate, feeling it was best to deliver the somber news to him. "Hello, Hamilton."



"I see you come under flag of truce. What is your business here?"

"To bring a message from General Howe. But I am glad that I found you. You were friends with Hercules Mulligan. Correct?"

"Yes... has something happened?"

"He was arrested in a sweep to clean out Patriots in New York."

Alexander hid his shock, he needed to tell Gwen this right away. "I see if that is all-"

"-There is something else," Montresor stopped him. Sighing he informed the man in front of him. "We apprehended one of your officers last night, Captain Hamilton; unfortunately, under the denomination of a spy. A Captain Hale, serving with your Colonel Knowlton."

Confused, Alexander replied, "With respect, sir, that is nonsense; we don't use our officers as spies. When will the trial be conducted? General Washington will want to know immediately. We will demand that he be treated as a prisoner of war!"

Montresor looked at him incredulously. "He was executed, Captain...this morning."

Hamilton frowned. "Captain Hale...was hanged?"

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