Chapter 2

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Call her.

Don't call her.

Call her.

No. Maybe I shouldn't.

Ugh. This is hard...

Sighing, and taking a deep breath I tapped the call button.

One ring.

Two rings.

Three rings.

Four rings.

Five rings.

Six rings.

Seven rings.

Eight rings.

Nine rings.

Ten rings.

'Hey! I'm Taylor. Leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can! Have a nice day!' came Taylor's angelic voice before going into the voice mail.

I ended the call and decided to try again... Oh Taylor. Please pick up!


Two miss calls from Harry. And there's another call from him. Sigh. I'm not gonna pick up his phone calls. Not even if he calls a hundred times! Okay. Maybe that was too exaggerate...

He finally stopped calling after the fifth time trying. Well, nice try Styles.

It's almost midnight here. So. It's probably noon there... I was about to go to bed but then the screen on my iPhone lit up again.

I groaned and took a look at it. This time, it's a voice mail. With my shaky hands, I opened the voice mail. Wow. I haven't been so nervous for a long time. What's wrong with me?

'Hey Taylor. It's Harry. Look. I'm sorry. Please don't believe anything you see or read from the Internet, news media or whatsoever.' said Harry. I miss his raspy voice. He sounded really sad, more like depressed. I can't take it anymore. I'm gonna end this voice mail right now. I think Harry's lying.

'Taylor. Before you end this voice mail, I just wanted to say that I love you. Forever and always will. I have no feelings for Emma. Please. It's more complicated than you think. I hope you'd call me. Well, or at least pick up my calls.' and with that the voice mail went dead.

Pfftsh... yeaa right. Forever and always. That's not gonna get me anymore. Nope! Not after Joe said that to me. He even promised! But in the end, he ended up breaking up with me on a 27-second phone call. Yup. I still remembered it clearly. Call me crazy. I don't care cause I'm not. He broke me like a piece of glass and then throw me away just like that. I hate that douche.

My thoughts were interrupted by the ring tone coming from my phone. It's Harry again. Wow. Haha! He wants to FaceTime this time. Oh my god. In your dreams Styles!

Oopsie! I accidentally touched the 'accept call' button while I was laughing.

"Damn" I mumbled quietly and then Harry's gorgeous face appeared. Wait. What was I saying! Ugh. No. Good-bye curly. I'm endin' the call!

"Wait Taylor! No. Don't end the call!!" cried Harry from the other line. His green eyes were sparkling, full with hope. Oh no, no. It's too late now. I'm once again, lost in his green eyes. Gosh. Those eyes can hypnotise a person.

"What do you want now Harry?" I said, a little too harshly. I guess.

"I'm so sorry Taylor! I just wanted to make things clear. I do not like Emma! I swear. Please believe me!" he begged.

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