Chapter 13

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I sat in between Harry and Louis on the bench the provided at the clinic.

Talk about awkward.

We are currently waiting for the nurse to call my name so that we can confirm if I'm really pregnant.

A part of me really hoped it would be Harry's if I really am pregnant because I don't want him and Taylor to be in a relationship together.

To be honest, I've been starting to have those feelings towards Harry after all these days fake dating.

Feelings of love.

But another part of me didn't want to be pregnant because like duh!

It's probably going to ruin everything! My career, Harry's career. To me, it's very important cause that's where all my income comes from...

I bounce my knee up and down nervously and picked on my cuticles to distract myself.

Out of the blue, a warm hand was placed on my left knee.

I looked up to meet Louis' eyes.

He smiled warmly at me and so I returned one.

"Emma Ostilly?" called the nurse.

I stood up and so did Harry and Louis.

"Are those guys related to you?" asked the nurse.

"Yes, they're my friends... I guess. Um, will it be okay if they come in with me?" I asked.

"Sure, this way." said the nurse, guiding us the way to the doctor's room.

"Take a seat, the doctor will be here in a few." said the nurse after entering the small room.


I sat down on the chair whilst Harry and Lou stood behind me, awkwardly.

"Good morning! I believe this is Emma?" greeted the doctor.

"Yes, I'm Emma." I answered, faking a smile.

"Hello Emma. I'm Doctor Reynolds. Are you ready to take the test?" asked Dr. Reynolds.

"Yes please..." I answered, barely above a whisper.

"Here, use this. Give it to me once you're done." she said passing me a small cylindrical container.

I entered the washroom to do my business and passed her the container after that.

"This will take a while, would you like to stay in here or go outside whilst I have this tested?" she asked, smiling.

I glanced at the two lads. They simply shrugged.

"I think I'll just stay in here." I replied.

"Okay then! I'll be back later." said the doctor before exiting the room.

I stare at the plain, white walls surrounding me.

What happens if I really am pregnant?

Oh for God's sake. What am I talking about? There's like an eighty percent chance that I will be.

No doubt.

I mean look. I've got those little pregnancy symptoms.

Mood swings.


Vomiting, and all those other stuffs.

Oh God. Save me. Why is this happening to me?!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2014 ⏰

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