Chapter 7

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Ugh! I mentally slapped myself. Why the hell did I even say that?! Great. Now I've spilled the beans and messed everthing up. This whole thing is gonna be awkward.

I sighed.

"I.. I... Um. Er.. Didn't. Mean.. t-to say t-that." I stuttered. Must've sounded like a complete wimp, fool whatever.

I looked up just to see Taylor, well two Taylors standing there frozen, staring at me like zombies. Their mouths hanging. Then there was silence. An unconfortable and awkward one.

"Y-you. YOU WHAT?!" finally, Taylor Swift broke the ice.

"I uhm. I guess I better get going..." said Taylor Lautner as he gave an awkward chuckle. "Well, it's nice to finally meet you again Swift."

Then Taylor Lautner hugged Taylor Swift. Argh! This is getting so confusing. Two Taylors. Anyway.

I knew it was just a friendly hug but this annoying feeling attacked me -of course, it was jelousy- my hands balled into fists and I can feel the warm heat rising up my head.

I looked back down before this jelousy thing gets worse.

"Right. So, um. I came back yesterday." started Taylor Swift just after Taylor Lautner left.

I kept quiet.


I told him that I came back here yesterday. I know... that's a pretty lame way to start a conversation since it's already obvious but I'm not good at starting conversations so..

He just remained silent.

"Hey, how about you come inside my house? I mean it's kinda chilly out here." I asked Harry.

"Uh. Sure!"

And with that, we stepped inside the house.

"Would you like to have coffee, tea or anything?" I offered.

"Uh, I'll have-"

"Meow!!" mewed Meredith before Harry could answer.

"Oh hey there Mer! How's your day?" I asked as I picked her up. Yes, I talk to cats.

"Oh my God! Is that a cat?? Can I pleaseeee take a closer look at her?" asked Harry like a child.

I giggled. He's so cute.

"Of course! Here." I replied and hamded him Meredith.

"Gosh, you're so adorable! So, you're Meredith huh?" he asked while stroking Meredith's grey fur. Guess he talks to cats too...


"Oh, and Taylor, I'll have tea please. Thanks!"


"Do you have any other cats?" aakeed Harry.

"No. I used to have one named Indie." I answered.

"Sweet! I have one named Dusty!" he said smiling.

"Really? I thought it's called Daisy or something." I said.

He let out a small gasp.

"You read about me on the Internet?" he asked.

My cheeks suddenly felt warm and soon a light shade of red appeared.

"Not about you, actually." I said pointing at him.

I sighed. "YES! I read about 1D. Well, what can I say? I'm kinda like a fan too y'know."

"Haha! Well, it depends on which site you visit. My cat's name is Dusty." he said and added a wink.

"Anyway. Here's your tea."

"Thank you!"

"No problem. And, Harry...?"

"Yeah?" he said taking a sip of tea.

"About Lautner and I. We did nothing, absolutely nothing. I promise."

He frowned a little but remained silent.

"Right. So, he paid a surprise visit when I arrived here, yesterday. And we did some catching-up but ended doing a sleepover-"

"A SLEEPOVER?!" he exclaimed out of the blue.

"Geez Harry! I'm not finished yet!"

"Sorry. Carry on."

"Okay, we did a sleep over with Selena and Justin, but they left early in the morning. So, is there anything else you want me to explain?" I asked.

"No. Sorry. About just now, I over-reacted and that happens a lot. I'm terribly sorry" he apologized.

"It's okay. Friends?" I stick out my hand. That's really childish but, yeah.

He didn't took my hand, instead, he pulled me into a bear hug.

"Not just friends, please. I promise I'll get Emma out of the picture as soon as I can." he mumbled into my hair.

I pulled away from the hug and looked at him.

"What? I'm not kidding." he said.

I laughed. "Of course I know that!"

"I love you Taylor."

"I love you too, Harry."



HEEEYYY! You guys must be hatin' on us right now... we're terribly sorry for keeping all of you waiting! Writer's block =,= We're also sorry if this chapter is dissapointing... [I personally hate it xP -Janice] and short.

Anyway, we hope there would be an amazing chapter soon. 10 Votes for the next chapter? And please comment your thoughts! We love everyone's comments x3

Until then, goodbye!

xxChelsea & Lauren

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