Chapter 4

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"Hello?" I said into the phone.

"Taylor?" Harry sobbed, he sounded like he was crying.

"Yeah?" I questioned.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't stop it. Simon told me that I'd have to stay with Emma until next week. Until the dance." he cried,

"You know what Harry? I'm done. I'm sick of this. You promised that you wouldn't hurt me, you promised that you wouldn't be like those other guys, you promised that if anything like this or worse comes up, you'd fight for me. I bet you didn't even try." I said, as a tear slipped from my eye.

"Taylor, I did fight for you, but Simon didn't allow me," he protested.

"Well maybe you don't care about us, you only care your career. Maybe you didn't fight hard enough." I told him.

"Taylor-" I cut him off.

"Listen to me Harry, this time, I'm telling you, we are never ever getting back together."

I quickly hung up the phone before he could protest again. I'm feeling really bad right now. I hate him! But deep down, somewhere in my heart, there's still a spot telling me that I still love him. Ugh. No Taylor, I cannot continue being fooled by Harry Styles. We're over and that's the final.

My phone rang again. Must be Harry. I picked it up without looking at the caller ID.

"What do you want again-" I was cut off by a familiar voice.

"Hey Taylor! Geez why so harsh?" said Scott.

"Oh, sorry Scott! I thought it was someone else. Anyway, what can I do for you?"

"Who's that someone eh?" he asked.

"Nobody, forget about that. C'mon, how can I help you?" I said, wanting to change the subject so badly and hoping that Scott would buy my excuse.

"Alright then. Yes! I need you to come over to my office right now. I need to discuss something urgent!"

I groaned, why must he call at this time? Right now, I just wanna curl up on my bed and sleep.

"Okay, will be there in 15." I said.

"Great! See ya!"


I quickly changed into a red and white striped sweater and jeans. I slipped into my Uggs and head down to where my car was parked.


"Hi Melisa!" I greeted the girl sitting at the reception table.

"Oh, hey Taylor! Scott's in the office" she answered smiling.

"Got it! Thanks!" I smiled back.

I knocked on the wooden door which leads me into Scott's office before entering.

"Oh there you are Taylor! I thought you wouldn't show up.."

"Was I late?" I asked sitting down.

"Oh, no. I guess it's just me, impatient." he chuckled.

"Right, so I asked you to come today because I need you to do me a favor, just a simple one!" said Scott.

Ooh! This better be good..

"Yeah, sure. What is it?" I asked.

"So, you're gonna be in LA this Thursday. Right?"


"Good! And I guess you heard that One Direction is going to LA this Friday?"

Err.. I have a really bad feeling about this favor right now.

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