Chapter 8

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I opened my eyes and was greeted by the blinding lights from the sun. Where am I?



Ugh! What is that noise? I slowly adjusted my eyes. Oh, that's just my phone.

The caller ID says Paul. Oops! Guess I forgot to tell him I'll be heading to Beverly Hills yesterday.

"Hello?" I said as I picked up the phone.


"Um.. Sorry Pauly! I-I um..."


"Iwenttobeverlyhillsyesterday!" I said as fast as I can.

"HOW COULD YOU?! Ugh! Get back here! NOW! We have to look for Taylor! Simeon's men haven't found her anywhere yet!"

"Tell them to stop looking for her because I know where she is." I smiled.

"Where?" Asked Paul.

"She's in Beverly Hills! That's why I'm here."

"Then why didn't you two come back yesterday??" Questioned Paul.

I looked at my surrounding. I'm currently lying on her red sofa. Must've fallen asleep in the middle of the movie marathon we were having... Wait. Where's Taylor?

"Harry?!" exclaimed Paul.

"Oh um.. Yes! Sorry. We were watching movies and fell asleep?" I said but it came out more like a question.

"Right..." said Paul. He didn't sound convinced.

"Anyway, YOU TWO HAVE TO COME BACK HERE. NOW! Understand? Simon would kill me!" said Paul.

"Okay! We'll be there soon" and then I hung up.

I got up from her sofa and start wandering around her living room. There are a lot of framed pictures hanging on the wall and placed on top of a grand piano.

Wow, I guess she knows how to play the piano... Why did I not know about this? I thought she only knew how to play the guitar.

"Oh! Morning Harry!" Chirped Taylor, coming out of her kitchen.

"There you are! Good morning!"

"Um... You were looking for me?" asked Taylor.

"Uh. Yeah. Paul called, he wants us to go back to LA like now." I explained.

"Oh, why don't we have our breakfast first? I made French toast!"

"Sure! It smells good..." I mean it when I say that. It smells delicious!

"Haha! You haven't even tried it yet. Anyways, here's yours." she said as she handed me a plate of toast.

Looks good! I took a big bite of the toast without hesitation. Mmmmm... IT TASTES REALLY GOOD! Gosh, I sure missed Taylor's cooking... Or baking. Niall must try Taylor's cooking/baking someday.

"Hellooooo?" said Taylor as she constantly snaps her finger at me.

"Oh, um. Sorry! What were you saying?" I asked. Must've zoned out a bit while I was thinking.

"It's fine! I asked how was it?"

"The toast? I swear it was so delicious! Haven't had anything so good since my last visit at Holmes Chapel." I grinned.

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