Chapter 20

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"Forgive me, my daughter." were the first words of the Azure Queen when we returned to the White Mist Forest. Then she hugged Lisa gently. I went away a few paces, I didn't want to disturb them during this emotional moment and besides I had to wipe off tears which somehow found their way to the corners of my eyes. Lisa and her mom stayed in a tight embrace for a moment without saying anything. Finally, the queen let go and gave me an inviting nod. I came closer, unsure what to do next, when she said:

"I owe you an apology too, Jennie. Because of my prejudice against humans I misjudged your relationship with my daughter. Now I fully believe that you two were bound by fate, as our legends say. And you are her friend, which means you're a friend of all elves."

"Not just a friend, mother." Lisa interjected with a proud smile. "She saved my life more times than I can remember."

"We both did." I corrected, trying to be modest.

The Azure Queen glanced at me and I could almost see a hint of fondness in her magnificent eyes.

"Then we're forever in your debt, Jennie. Take this as a token of our gratitude and friendship." she took out an intricate hair pin, made of silver and sapphires, and gently put it in my hair.

"Thank you, it's really beautiful." I managed to stammer out, overwhelmed by the generous gift.

"It's very fitting that you returned today because it's elven holiday, Naiand'ama, the Spring Festival. All elves will celebrate and rejoice, so enjoy the festivities too, you both deserve it." the Azure Queen smiled one last time and left us alone.


Taking part in the elven holiday was truly an astounding experience. The last time I visited their camp, everyone seemed very serious and even stared at me with undisguised suspicion. Today all I could see around me were cheerful smiles and friendly looks. There were also many attractions: different kind of competitions, dancing, playing instruments, one group of elves even built a small stage and were performing a play. Several merchants from different parts of the world also arrived, offering many interesting items and artifacts for sale.

I had a wonderful time with Lisa. At first we were just wandering around and listening to music, but soon we got braver and participated in dances and competitions. I even bought her a really exotic-looking quiver for her arrows, for which I got a tender kiss on the lips, so it was totally worth it. Lisa then participated in the archery contest and took the first place. When I was congratulating her, she put an elegant silver necklace on my neck.

"This was the prize, I won it for you." she said and it was the sweetest thing anyone had ever done for me.

The sun was already set when we returned from an evening walk through the forest and came back to our tents. Lisa offered me a grateful smile and said:

"I really had so much fun with you today, it was great, thank you."

"Me too, thanks again for the necklace, it's lovely."

"Good night." she whispered and leaned forward to give me a quick peck on the lips. But... I didn't want this evening to end just yet. When her lips touched mine, I put my hands on her chin, preventing her from pulling away. Noticing with quiet satisfaction that it surprised her, I deepened the kiss. When my tongue finally stopped playing with her soft lips, I stared into her gorgeous brown eyes and whispered:

"I want you, Lisa. Tonight."

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