Chapter 7

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After that we never really stopped talking, exchanging stories from our lives, even some funny anecdotes. During this one day I learned more about elves, their culture and their outlook on life than during all my years in the Academy. And Lisa was curious to learn about humans too, listening attentively to everything I was telling her.

"It's getting dark, we should set camp here." Lisa suggested when we arrived at a cozy-looking clearing, with a stream and a small pond nearby.

"Good idea." I agreed, extremely relieved, because my legs were ready to give up at any moment.

Lisa whispered a spell and a fiery stream erupted from her fingers, starting a small fire.

"There you are. To keep us warm at night." she said with a light smile. I was just going to smile back, when to my utter surprise Lisa started to take off her dress. Frozen, my mind bouncing between amazement and disbelief, I couldn't even move while she quickly untied all straps, dropped the dress on the ground and completely nude ran towards the pond. Only then I realized that she just wanted to bathe herself. Stupid me, for a moment I thought... Never mind.

My gaze subconsciously went to the pond, where Lisa was washing her hair, her naked wet chest glistening in the evening sun. Wow, she's so devilishly attractive. No point of denying it anymore, I just couldn't stop looking at her sexy body, which produced a tingling sensation inside me. A disturbingly pleasant one. Acting on an impulse, I slipped out of my dress and with a pounding heart slowly approached the pond. When I got into the water, Lisa splashed water in my direction.

"A water fight? Okay, bring it on!" I laughed and splashed her back.

The "fight" lasted for three minutes, full of cheerful yelling and squealing, after which we agreed to a tie.

"That was kind of fun." Lisa said, still panting deeply. "I should go to sleep now. I'll leave you alone so that you can wash your hair in peace."

She must have seen a hint of disappointment in my eyes because she quickly added:

"Or maybe I could help you with that?"

Too nervous to say anything, I nodded and Lisa proceeded to gently wash my hair with her hands. And then she even started singing quietly, some elven ballad which I had never even heard of. I realized with amazement it was both the most romantic and exciting thing that had ever happened to me. The delicate touch of her fingers running through my hair, her naked breasts illuminated by the setting sun, her godlike melancholic voice: it all felt like a dream. Was it really yesterday that we met? I found it difficult to believe.

Lisa's voice trembled at the last note of the song.

"I'm cold, let's warm up by the fire." she said. We got out of the pond and sat next to each other, our shoulders touching, the light of the flames dancing on our naked bodies.

"Could you sing some more, Lisa? Your voice is so soothing..." I asked.

"If someone told me two days ago that I'd be singing for a human, I'd just laugh it off." she said with a faint grin.

"Come on, don't make me beg." I pleaded.

"Okay, so this one is a very famous song about an unlikely love between an elven queen and a simple hunter."

"Does it have a happy ending?"

"I'm afraid not, it's a very sad song."

"I'd like to hear it anyway."

Closing my eyes when Lisa's began singing, I tried to cherish that moment as much as possible. I had no idea why I felt like this, but for the first time in my life I was at peace, my usual anxiety and restlessness were gone.

"Strange, I don't know elvish, but I feel like I understood the entire story." I said when Lisa finished the song.

Our bodies were already dry, but we still sat together for several minutes, our gazes drawn to the flames of the fire. It was Lisa who finally got up and said:

"Let's go to sleep, we have a whole day of walking ahead of us."

Slightly disappointed that the peaceful moment passed, I put on my dress and lied on the grass. I wasn't ready to fall asleep yet, my mind kept going over everything that had happened during the last day. It was scary, dramatic and intense, that's for sure, but there wasn't a doubt in my mind that it was the best day of my life.

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