Chapter 12

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"Are we really going to Silver Mountains?" I finally gathered enough courage to ask.

"Of course we are." I was slightly surprised by how determined Lisa sounded.

"Isn't it... a little insane? I must admit I have a hard time believing in all of it, I'm sorry."

Lisa looked at me sharply.

"You have doubts?"

"I don't know, it's all so-" I bit my lip and fell silent.

"I just rejected my entire tribe, I chose to be exiled from my people because of our bond. That's how certain I am that you and I share something special, that we have a mission to fulfill, a destiny which may save our world. If that means nothing to you-"

"It does, it means a lot. It's just a lot to process." I said apologetically. "Lisa, I'm sorry about your mother, I know it isn't easy-"

"Stop. I don't want to talk about it." she interrupted me. Then her sharp gaze softened."At least not right now. You see, the relationship that I have with my mother isn't easy to understand. One day I'll tell you about her. But not today."

I nodded. "I just can't believe we're really going on such a journey, it's so far away, it will take us months-"

Lisa suddenly chuckled.

"What?" I asked.

"I can't help it, you're so adorable, you really thought we'd be going to Silver Mountains by ourselves? No, there's an ancient elven portal which connects White Mist Forest with Davana Lake in the east. We will use it."

"Oh, okay, I didn't know..." I said, feeling a little more confident. I looked at Lisa's sincere face and determined eyes and I don't know why at that very moment everything became crystal clear to me. Whatever future lied ahead of me, it was obvious that Lisa was a part of it. I even felt surprised at myself: how could I have ever doubted it?

"Lisa?" I asked.


"You don't have to worry, I'll never doubt us and our bond again, I promise. Let's go there and find the Scarlet Dragon. I want to know what our destiny is."

"Good. Now let me teach you how to use that dagger."

We traveled northwest and once the sun set, we decided to set up camp and go to sleep. It was too risky to light a fire and the evening was chilly, so I was shivering from time to time. I tightly wrapped myself in a blanket, trying to fall asleep, when I heard Lisa's whisper coming from the darkness next to me:


"Yes?" I asked, realizing that my heart began beating faster because it was the first time Lisa called me by my real name.

"Are we going to talk about our kiss?"

"I'm sorry, Lisa but I prefer not to. It's all so confusing... I don't know what to think about it, I guess I need some time. And we have so much to deal with right now. Can we just... forget about it for now?"

"Of course, if that's what you want." I expected at least a mocking remark, but to my surprise her voice was full of understanding. "I just want you to know that my behavior is not some kind of act, I don't try to be cool or anything. Elves are really like that, to us sex is not a taboo topic like for humans. We just openly talk about our needs and desires."

"I understand." I whispered back. Then, on a whim, I added in a barely audible voice: "And you should know that I'm attracted to you too... But for humans it's more complicated so I just need time to figure out my feelings... I hope that we could stay friends for now..."

"Take all the time you need, Ninivai." she replied. "By the way, I lied to you before."


"Ninivai doesn't really mean 'pretty-face', it's not some mocking nickname, its meaning is actually closer to 'the one with captivating face'."

"Hmm... maybe I should have a nickname for you too. How do you say in elvish 'the one with gorgeous body'?" I asked and Lisa couldn't help chuckling happily. After a few seconds I felt her getting closer, but I just knew there wasn't anything sexual in her actions, at that moment we were nothing but friends.

"We'll keep each other warm like that." Lisa explained, her body pressing against mine.

Having her so near made me so cozy and comfortable that I fell asleep as soon as my eyes closed.

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