Chapter 10

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The group of elves who approached us were clearly looking hostile. I understood that they were probably scouts patrolling the area around their camp. But after exchanging a few words with Lisa in a language that I couldn't understand, the hostility in their eyes turned to curiosity. They were staring at me as if I was a specimen in a zoo and I realized they probably had never seen a human before.

"They'll escort us to the camp, it's really close." Lisa explained and I started walking, still feeling the inquisitive gazes of the elves lingering on me.

An hour later we arrived at the camp and I noticed that it was more like a large village or a small city than a camp. There were many houses, huts and tents, by my rough estimation at least several hundred elves lived there. Our arrival caused quite a commotion, elves were whispering quietly as they were following us, but I couldn't understand a single thing. Soon we approached a small temple and a tall woman wearing an elegant blue dress and a small intricate crown stepped outside. I recognized her even though I had never met her before: at the Academy they told us legends about the powerful Azure Queen, who was the unofficial leader of all elven clans living in the White Mist Forest. She wasn't young anymore, there were several gray streaks in her dark blonde hair but she still looked beautiful and majestic.

Lisa greeted her with utmost respect and they exchanged a few words in elvish. Then Lisa gave her the artifact that she had found: The Wand of the Elder Tree. The queen took it graciously and a faint, proud smile appeared on her lips. Then her eyes turned to me and I froze, feeling that I'm dangerously close to fainting. Not being able to withstand her intense gaze, I looked down while Lisa began talking. I understood that she was explaining who I was and how we had met. A few surprised gasps erupted from the audience during Lisa's speech but I still couldn't understand a single word. Then the queen addressed Lisa in human language, still staring at me.

"You proved yourself by retrieving the wand from the ruins. You did exceptionally well, my child."

I saw how Lisa's face brightened up. But then the queen's stare went cold.

"But befriending a human and taking her to our camp? That was... unwise. I thought I taught you better than that."

"My queen, as I explained, she and I are Amaeh'rovallar, 'bound by fate', therefore I decided to bring her here-"

"The legends about Amaeh'rovallar aren't true. They are simply propaganda stories invented by those who think that humans and elves can coexist peacefully. They can't, I explained that to you many times. Humans have driven us from our cities, we're forced to live in forests and mountains, our culture is slowly deteriorating and our race is degenerating... And it's all because of relentless expansionism of humans."

"But I clearly feel the bond-" Lisa protested.

"You're simply infatuated with her. It's very disturbing. The scouts have told me that they saw you two... kissing." she winced in disgust. "You disappointed me greatly, young one."

Biting her lip, Lisa was looking down, accepting the criticism without even trying to defend herself.

"So now comes the moment of truth." the Azure Queen announced, looking intently at Lisa. "You must choose between your own people and the human girl. Choose wisely, because they will be no turning back."

My heart literally stopped. I saw how sadness disappeared from Lisa's face and her eyes flashed with determination. A moment later she came over to me, took my hand and I felt loud thumping in my chest again.

"So you made your decision." the queen's voice sounded ominous, but it clearly contained a hint of regret too. "But know that you no longer belong here, you can't ever return to us. Go now and never come back."

Lisa took me by the arm and began walking away. Then she looked back for a moment, her eyes brimmed with tears as she said:

"Of all people, I really thought you would understand it, mother."

She turned around and headed away, dragging me with her, chased by dozens of stares. I was too shocked and dazed to say anything. It took me a full minute before I could mutter with astonishment:

"You're the daughter of the Azure Queen?"

"Yes, I am." she replied firmly and her eyes beamed with pride.

DRAGONS' GAME | JENLISAΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα