New beginnings...

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"Like I said, it is easier to create a human body than it is to create a human mind. We needed you to go through these events, these experiences. There was no way we could have done differently."

"You needed my memories..." I nodded in realization. "Is that why you let me stay back at the Library of Altaïr? Because you needed me to write my journal?"

"Yes, and no." Her gaze softened. "I was not lying when I told you that it would all be of your choosing, child. From the beginning, I had planned on letting you decide which route to take. But I still had not completely expected you to ask me to stay. But then, Altaïr made me realize something. By letting you stay, the future would be altered even more. Perhaps, to our advantage, even. And he was right. With your journal, the cross might not be as dangerous of a threat as it used to be." Another image popped up in my peripheral vision. It was a memory, I realized, as I saw myself writing that very same letter I left to my children. My gaze softened at the sight.

"You had expected me to write that letter. You had expected me to ask for the journal to be passed down." I nodded in realization.

"People need to know, child. And the more people are aware of this, the less dangerous she'll be." Minerva nodded, making me furrow my brows in confusion. She?

"She? Who's "She"?" I decided to ask. And just as she parted her lips to reply, another voice reached my ears. One I immediately recognized.

"Juno." I immediately turned around, facing a young face I hadn't seen in years. Not since the Library of Altaïr. Not since I last played the Assassin's Creed games. "She's one of The Ones Who Came Before. You met her, she was the entity in Ezio's Apple of Eden before he left it beneath the Colosseum."

"Desmond..." I breathed out, reaching forth to place my hand on his shoulder. My descendant... " are you here as well...?" I hesitantly asked, already dreading the answer I might receive.

"It didn't work, (y/n)..." he shook his head, looking down at his feet. "At least...not the way it was supposed to work... Juno had been stuck in the only artifact capable of saving the world from the solar flares. In order to save the world...I'd have to release her...and die in the process... that's why I'm here..." my eyes widened at the news. Oh, god no... "This war, (y/n)'s all her doing... She's been using the Pieces of Eden to pull the strings. All along, it was her. Just to bring me to the Grand Temple and set her free..."

".....why weren't we told of Juno before, Minerva? Why?" I focused my attention on her. God, I could already feel tears threatening to run down her cheeks. "Centuries of war, Minerva! Centuries of war that could've been avoided."

"Yes, but the world had yet to be saved." She shook her head. "There was nothing I could have done that would have changed the outcome."

"At the cost of how many lives, Minerva?!" I angrily wiped a tear away. "How many?! How many more people need to suffer because of that bitch?!"

"(y/n)..." I felt Desmond's reassuring hand on my shoulder, holding me back. "There was nothing she could've done. Her hands were tied, just like ours were."

A game, or real life? (Ezio x reader)Where stories live. Discover now