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Hey everyone. I hope you all are doing fine because that will be my strength. 

I am aware of your requests and you have no idea how happy it makes me when I see your enthusiasm for my story. A year ago, I hardly thought Open Heart could ever reach a stage where I would find myself falling deeper and deeper into the story, forming something which I can never have in my real life and it brought me utter joy. 

But yet, there are so many things which always keep blocking on path. And one such instance happened which made me put this book of definite haitus. 

I was supposed to go on and continue writing my second part here but instead, I chose to stop because I found out....well, there are a lot of things I found out and it made me so upset that for two whole weeks I just lost my words and even my fingers failed to gaze over my keypad. I was simply speechless, almost mindless for those two weeks. And I cried at nights, knowing that one day or other this was coming for me. 

My name is Ramona Tehradin, and yeah, that's not my real name as you all have figured. That little bio is true though but whoever I am in real life, it doesn't matter. What matters is that I, Ramona Tehradin who embarked on a journey to construct her story based from something personal and something different with a character she just fell in love with. And it was working so great...still working very fine to be honest which is why...alright, this is going to be really awkward but I feel like I should just let it out to you. real life I am talking about, it has been more of a life where I am just so immersed in my academics that nothing else exists for me. It has always been on spectrum of seriousness- that desire to study everything has not spared me and as a result, I was spared from having a life like every girl out there wanted. Like have friends, boyfriends...even finding love. Nothing such in my life because hey, I study in a full women's university which is pretty silent and undisturbed kind of place- heaven for people like me. So...I have never experienced what 'life' is for everyone. I have kind of been parents love me a lot and I love them but they have formed these sets of rules which I actually am compelled to follow purely on my own. I feel obliged to follow them and they all just put me on that serious spectrum to just become what I want to become, never have any distractions. 

But as Ramona Tehradin, I finally got that freedom to express in form of a story constructed by me with a man I would actually like to have in my life. So remember, everything Charlotte says is my own feelings. Its me there who's like with Ethan or Sienna or at Edenbrook or facing Gaius Augustine whatever....that's me. And all those feelings are mine as well. This is going to sound weird but I've never been kissed or you know whatever guys do to girls (gosh, I am blushing). So Charlotte and Ethan kissing is almost like me writing what I wish to have (yet can never have). There was a scene at end of Book 1 where Charlotte and Ethan finally seal their deal and trust me, that was the most difficult chapter to write in my entire book. I know, its silly but it took me three weeks to write a love scene between them because I wanted it to be a bit clumsy, unexpected and yet full of love. So I just poured everything in that chapter out from my heart (of what I would dream ever). 

So that was me expressing everything. 

And then, I found out that...holy shit, I've been ignorant about this for so long but when I found this...crack. 

My story is plagiarized. Its compromised. Its copied and pasted and written and copied and pasted again and again and again, all over Wattpad- in some other digital platform- my words, my lines, my feelings...someone....many people.... just took it away like that and they released it under their name as if my feelings were something to be just....taken by. 

These things has been happening for almost a year now and it was one of my readers who informed me about this. And when I found out. Crack. 

I can't technically do anything since its a fanfiction and they have tagged it as fanfiction as, I just kept quiet and wept because someone just took those feelings out there and pasted as their own. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2020 ⏰

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