worst of all worst.

Start from the beginning

I took ashower and clean clothes no wrinkles and neat as i awant it.

No classes yet fir us, but i meet Nine and Benjamin.
Benjamin will begin to assist the candidates for teh pepageant starts tomorrow.

The three of us sits in the nedical acnteen waiting fir announcemants or anything from outpr college.administrative board.

"It was like yesterday when we where here." Nine said.

"Yeah, and we thought you where weakling abd vukbpnerabke back then" Benjamin said to me.

I laughed a litle.

"But after one year and seeing yoh last night, damn.... I almost fear you" Nine commemyed.

"What?!" I asked.

"Last night Dome, when you saw Pavel and knew who did it, you look like you are trained to kill anybody." Benjamin said.

"The knife guy, is the one who nearly raped me whike putting knife on mg neck" i said, and my blood is boiling.
"Nad i hate seeing Pavel in that state. He is strong. He is a fighter. Those cowards have no pride at all for using weapons, nexg time i will bring a gun." I said,

"Calm down na.. do not wake up the beast in  you medical student." Benjamin said,

I bought a drink.

They saud i am turning red and fiercer.

I sighed.

"You better go bavk to Pavel we got your back herw." Nine said.

I thanked them and on my way to my car. I saw Earth and Joong, thye learned what happened to Pavel so i brjng them with me, we bought food on our way.

I text Pavel we are coming and who are with me.

We entered tge open door. Leam also rushed.

We saw blood which where not here before.

Commotion in the guest room i kicked the door and tow ghys came out. Joong and Leam got them and Pavel is pinned on tne bed whike the guy tries to rip his pants off.

"Fuck i am the only man allowed to that tk mh husnpband i said and kicked the guy he removed hjs gead cover and kicm him again. Jokng came in and helped Pavel now Pavel is safe i can kill thks scunbag.

I punched him hrd and knock him iff the way i used.

"You son of a bitch necer learned.!"i shouted nad licked him up.
And throw hi  on thrpe floor.

Earth and Joong tied him.

"Babe." I said and run to Pavel.

I checked his stitches. It is bleedung fuck hemorage!

Gun and Bar.

"Dome calm down."  Bar pukled me and Gun checked and find medicine for it.

I heard a light laugh.

"Release him Leam i will really kill him." I said madly but Bar hold on me. Joong tied his face with his own face cover. The guy caughed.

"He is fine now." Gun said.

I hold Pavel's hand. And kissed it.

"Uncle Louie is here." Earth said and three men picked the scumbags, they placed them in a military truck and five mkre men waits for them.

I look at Pavel's eyes and i cannot read him.

Earth tapped his hand.

Then Earth took his phone. And call some one.

"Uncle Louie put the speaker on...."
Earth also put his speaker and mic on.

"Guys you knkw those are not reallh militars or police. They are tbe punisher my dad created. We donot have death raws but we have punishers. And you are in the worst hands boys. " Earth said smirking.

"What these this scumbags did to Pavel" uncle asked.

"They.. nearly raped both Dome and Pavel" Earth said,

"Do not do unto others what yoh do nog wnat others do to you." Uncle louie said.

"Please not to death" i mouthed.

"Do not worry nephew in-law we do not kill, we punish." He said and they all laugh,

We can hear rhe screams of the boys.

Then Earth put the call off.

"I think we need to leave Dkmea nd Lavek for a while.."

"By the way guys, this is Joong fresh men engineer nad Earth freshmen Bio-science.
Nongs this is Gun sophomore meds and Bar sohphomore Engineer. Our nongs, like brothers." Leam said.
The youners waiid at the sophomkres and they decided to leave.

After a few minjtes.

"You are so silent." Dome said.

"You called me your husband." Pavel said.

"Of all the worst of the aorst that haplened today, you can only remeber that?" I asked.

"Well i burrjed the negatibpves that haplened and picked your words. Only yoj are allowed to do that to me, and i am your husband. Then yoj hold my hands lovingly and kissed them. Tha way call me babe is filled witb endearment than before." He saud,

I chuckled.

"What esle tpdid they do yo you?" J asked.

"He just licked me then they tied me on bed i cannog mkve for i am i  great pain and i was bleeding." He siad,

"Fuck, j am yhe only man allowed to lick you. Let me wasjph you" i said and made him stand and guide to the bath room.

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