Magpie (Prinxiety)

Start from the beginning

"Why thank you, my good sir." Is Magpie trying to imitate a British accent? Because if he is, it's terrible. "Now it will be much easier to steal what's so precious to your country."

Okay, this time I can't help it. I let out a laugh. One laugh turns into two and soon I've laughed for a whole minute. In that time, Magpie could've flown away with the jewels but he hasn't.

"What's so funny?" He asks.

"You really think anyone in England cares about the Queen or about the crown jewels?" The look on his face makes me laugh even more. "You've never been to England before, have you?"

"Well, no but-"

"There's no 'but' about it, Magpie. You've either been to England or gotten the wrong idea of it from American movies."

"Hey, what's so wrong with America?" He asks, a little defence and hurt creeping into his voice.

"Nothing. I have actually been there and know that it's not just people yelling 'God Save America' or whatever they portray it as in movies." I dusted my hands down my cape slightly, gaining static energy. "Now," I grinned, "let's dance."

I shoot my hands out at him, lightning shooting from my fingers and just missing him. I didn't hit the jewels, which is good. They're worth millions of pounds. I looked around, having lost him for a second before I catch a flash of wine red. He's sitting on the window-sill. Goddammit!

"Better luck next time, Storm Cloud." He laughs, winking and falling backwards out of the window before soaring off into the sky.

I look down, angry and with a strangely pink face. I'll get him next time.


Magpie's POV

Okay, this is the last chance I have to steal the jewels. Do I even care about the jewels anymore? Of course not. What I'm more focused on is unmasking my opponent and finding out who this cutie is. I've been in London for just under two weeks and so far, every night Storm has apprehended my stealing of the crown jewels. Sometime last week, I found that the pretty thing I was trying to steal wasn't the crown jewels. It was Storm, or rather, Storm's heart. Because he's definitely stolen mine and I want something in return. I open the window carefully at the latch and climb inside. A few fights ago, when I was escaping, Storm laughed at me and told me that I could use the latch like any normal person. Let me rephrase, he laughed at me and said exactly this "You do realise there's a latch on the window, right? You could just open it like any normal person." And he didn't look like he regretted saying that. Almost as if he enjoyed seeing me as much as I enjoy seeing him.

Quickly, I swoop over the lasers and land next to the crown jewels.

"Oh Storm Cloud~" I say, grinning. As expected, the lasers shut off. My grin grows wider as I spy movement in the shadows. "I know you're there."

Lightning shoot out at me from a corner. Lightning I easily dodge. "Lovely to see you too."

I can almost see him rolling his grey eyes behind his silvery-purple mask. I flap my wings and easily hover up near the ceiling.

"Honestly, Storm Cloud, it's like you're not even trying."

Storm's POV

"Honestly, Storm Cloud, it's like you're not even trying." Magpie says, smirking at me. That damn smirk. It's causing a pink blush to spread over the entirety of my face. Dammit.

"You know Storm Cloud," Magpie says, drawing my attention back to the top of the tower, "normally, I'd be trying to steal the crown jewels."

"Yeah, I know that. It's what you've been doing for the past 10 days. Trying and failing to steal millions of pounds worth of jewels."

"Oh, he speaks." He says, laughing. Again, that damn laugh. It's just making me fall more and more in love with him and that's why I hate him so much. "But today's my last day in London." That shouldn't make me feel sad. "So I was thinking of a more... sentimental prize for me to take back."

"Look, are you going to keep running your mouth up there or are we going to fight? Because I've been itching to blast someone off the face of the Earth."

"Oh, you're feisty tonight, aren't you?" He asks, laughing. "Well, we'd better make this quick then."

Suddenly he swoops down in my direction and - shit! The bastard's taken my mask. Well, two can play at that game.

I laugh, not even bothering to hide my face, and make a grab for his mask. It doesn't come away in my hands, the irridescent mask slips off his face and falls to the ground. I laugh again, this time I actually mean it.

"That's not a very good mask." I say frankly. Magpie lets out a laugh, waving my mask in front of my face.

"Neither is this."

"So," I lift my arms slightly, "what was the point of that?" He grins and - oh shit, I know what that smirk means.

"Well, I was hoping to do this." And suddenly, his lips are on mine.

Magpie's POV

Holy shit, I did it! I thought I was going to get cold feet about this whole thing but no. I actually did it and now I'm kissing Storm and he's kissing me back. This is insane. He pulls away first, letting out a little laugh.

"That was the prize?" He asks. I laugh as well.

"It's a good prize." I say defensively. Storm laughs again.

"Let's try this again." He says and holds out his hand. "Hi. I'm Virgil. Virgil Summers."

I laugh a little and shake his hand. "Roman Winston."

"So, I was wondering, Roman Winston," Virgil says, laughing a bit, "if you want to grab coffee with me tomorrow? I know this great coffee shop. It's run by my brother, actually."

"Sure. I'd love to grab coffee with you."

Well, my trip back home can be delayed maybe a few more weeks.

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