Under the Wisteria (Logicality)

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Happy (early) birthday to the amazing reactiontolife! She's super awesome, everyone go and read her stories, she's an incredible writer!
WARNING: Talking about death and grief, ghosts

"Rose! Rose, get down right now!" Logan glanced up from his work at the call. Patton strode past his window, yelling. "Rose, you're going to rip your dress!"

"Oh Lord..." Logan sighed and put his pen down. He glanced at the photo on his desk. Miranda grinned back at him, laughing at some joke lost in time. "What's our girl gotten into this time, I wonder."

"Rose!" Patton received a stick on his head. "Ow, hey!"

Rose laughed and scrambled higher in the tree. "Your Highness, get down here right now!" Patton ordered.

"Or what?" Rose called, leaning out of the tree dangerously.

"Or..." Patton hesitated, thinking. "Or I'll tell your father."

Rose's mouth fell open in offended shock. "You wouldn't dare," she said.

"Oh really?" Patton pushed up his sleeves. "Try me."

"Alright, alright, I'm coming down." Rose started down the tree. "See, nothing to worry about," she said. As she spoke, her foot slipped and she fell. Patton jumped and rushed forwards. Rose landed in his arms, the weight of the 5-year-old nearly toppling Patton in the process.

Patton set her down gently. "You're getting too old for that, Princess," he scolded. "Are you hurt?"

Rose shook her head. "I'm fine!" She said, rolling her eyes. "Honestly, you worry as much as father."

"Is everything alright?" Patton jumped again and whirled around.

Logan was stood, just out of the shade of the tree, hands clasped in front of him. His face was halfway between worried and curious and no matter what, it made Patton's heart melt every time.

"Uhm, your Majesty!" Patton pushed his glasses up his nose and gave a small bow. "No, everything's fine. Rose was just being a little... energetic, that's all." Logan visibly relaxed.

"Papa, I was all the way up in the tree!" Rose explained, running over to Logan. He laughed and picked her up. Rose shrieked excitedly, laughing too.

"Were you causing trouble for Patton again, hm?" He asked. Rose shook her head, grinning.

"No. I was just climbing!" She protested. "Patton was just worrying so much."

"Hm..." Logan smiled, shaking his head. "Little rascal. Aren't you meant to be in lessons?"

"I was trying to teach her to draw, your Majesty," Patton said. "But she ran off when my back was turned. We were out here, drawing the wisteria when she left."

"Snitch," Rose said. "You promised you wouldn't tell."

"You can't lie to the king, Rose," Logan said. "It's a crime."

"So is breaking the trust of the princess," Rose said primly. Logan set her down and crouched down next to her.

"Promise me you'll continue with your lessons?" He asked. "It's very important if you're going to rule next."

Rose sighed. "Fine," she said. Logan held out his little finger.

"Promise?" He asked. Rose sighed again but pinkie promised.

"Fine, I promise, I promise!" She said. Logan smiled at her before standing up. He was still smiling when he glanced at Patton and Patton felt his heart drop into his stomach.

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