Chapter 5

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Guardian Spirit Apocalypse Arc 1
Chapter 5
(OT6 Assembly)

“Where’s Sehun?” Suho, the leader asked. He called everybody to have a meeting. Apparently, their once 12 members are now down to six. The three left the group, the other one is inactive and the other two are in military enlistment.

“I saw him petting Vivi earlier.” Chen answered because the others weren’t paying much attention. Baekhyun and Chanyeol were fighting over a cookie in the couch and Kai was ogling over something on his phone.

“Hey hyung, what’s up?” In came the youngest with a white fluffy dog in his arms.

“Have a seat Sehun.” The leader gestured for him to sit so he did. Before speaking again, he cleared his voice first to get the attention of the others.

“So, this is a very important matter, I should’ve discussed this to you if not for the recent events” Suho began. “Aquarius, my guardian spirit, said that we are in grave danger.”

“My Rap said the same,” Kai inserted.

“Rap? Kai, you suck at naming people.” Chanyeol teased so Baekhyun and Sehun chuckled while Kai just snorted but he was smiling.

“Now’s not the right time for teasing. Aquarius said that there are five strong guardian spirits created by their father’s brother. They are called the Dark Guardian Spirits. They were created to annihilate every Saint Guardian Spirit whom I believe are all under our control.” Suho said in a serious tone.

“Uhmm – nobody knows we have them.” Baekhyun said attempting to ease the tension.

“He’s right, nobody knows, except for us.” Chanyeol seconded.

“That would be true, if not for the concept we did years ago. That concept just blew the fact that we have them.” Suho said a bit frustrated but was masking it with calmness. He doesn’t want to scare his members.

“Then, what should we do?” Sehun asked with worry in his voice while caressing Vivi’s fur.

“Can’t we just delete all the videos that are connected to that concept?” Chen suggestively asked.

“That would be too suspicious, either way, we are still in danger even if we delete them or not. I think it’s best if we just hide our abilities for the mean time. After all, as what Chanyeol have said, nobody knows except for us. The most important thing we should do right now is to regroup, although that would be too risky because it will catch attention. We should call the others first and warn them. I’ll find a way for us to be complete without catching attention and alarming the Dark Guardian Spirits.” Suho said as if he had thought about this over and over again.

“Others? Complete? – Does this mean we’re calling the other three?” Chanyeol asked.

“Yes.” Suho answered shortly which made the others smile.

“I miss Luhan-hyung…” Sehun muttered.

“When did you not?” Chen asked teasingly. “You look like a boyfriend waiting for his run away girlfriend.”

The others laughed at Chen’s remark.

“Oh shut up!” Sehun said and the wind just suddenly blew even though they were inside.

“Stop it guys, all the stuffs might fly.” Kai said after noticing that some papers were already flying everywhere.

“Sehun, stop it, you might cause a hurricane.” Suho said to which the youngest finally calmed down. The others though were still laughing.

They only stopped when they realized that their leader had gone silent and has been staring at the floor unmoving.

“Suho-hyung, something wrong?” Baekhyun asked a bit worried.

Suho snapped out of his reverie and then did a smile though it didn’t reach his eyes. “Nothing – it’s just, I tried to call him many times these past few weeks but he – he hasn’t been answering me.”

“Maybe Kris-hyung is just busy, you know, with a lot of things going on, he’s probably still confused.” Sehun tried to lift up his leader’s mood.

“Yeah, I hope he’s alright.” Suho said now smiling gratefully to their youngest who has shown softness which he rarely does.

“Don’t worry hyung, I know he’s alright.” Chen said reassuring him.

“He hasn’t been in shows lately though.” Baekhyun absent-mindedly mumbled which earned him a kick from Kai.

‘What?’ he mouthed to the culprit which Kai just rolled his eyes on.

“We haven’t been in shows too, lately.” Chen filled in, thankfully brushing off the negative effect of Baekhyun’s remark earlier.

“Yeah, don’t worry, he’s fine. The others are too, right Baek?” Chanyeol asked.

“Yes, yes.” Baekhyun answered while nodding his head frivolously afraid that he might add another negativity.

“I’m leaving then.” Kai said standing up.

“Why are you leaving so early?” Sehun asked.

“I need to practice my ability. I need to control it; sometimes I appear on places I don’t intend to go.” Kai answered before waving and disappearing into thin air.

“WHAT the fuck!!” Kai shouted when he appeared on the edge of a cliff and one wrong step could’ve ended his life.

‘I told you, you should’ve just used your car.’ Rap’s voice came into his head.

“Yeah, I – remind me of this situation so that I’d listen to you more often.” Kai said while carefully stepping back, away from death.

‘There’s no use, you never listen to me anyway.’ His guardian spirit said which he face-palmed at.

MEANWHILE, in a cliff in Egypt, two figures were visible against the darkness of the night. One was of human and the other was of mythical creature said to have lived on earth thousands of years ago.

“Where do we go to next, Drago?” The human asked eyeing the creature.

‘Where you would like to go, Master but a word of precaution, we should refrain from going to far places like this one, you have just started to learn how to fly.’ The creature answered telepathically.

The human approached the creature and rubbed its huge head.

“Okay, but can you please shift to your humanoid form, I can’t move around much. Your dragon form is too big.” The human asked politely which the creature followed.

The once huge dragon has turned to a handsome young man.

“Thank you, Drago.” The master said.

“Anything for Master Kris…”

Kris smiled before focusing his eyes on the vast ocean of sand beneath them.

“Master Kris, if you don’t mind me saying, aren’t you planning to get reunited with your brothers once again?” the guardian spirit asked.

Kris sighed before looking at the sky. “It’s not yet the right time…”

But when is the right time anyway?

“I’m sorry Drago, the right time doesn’t truly exist, and I guess I’m just being a coward.” Kris said sadly.

“Master Kris is not a coward. Master Kris is strong.” Drago said cheering his master.

Kris smiled. “Thank you…”

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