An explenation for the last one

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Since Grace is a vegan Cooper dared her to bathe in honey. When they realized they didn't have enough, it was changed to milk. She cried for 20 minutes.

Ted wanted to be dared to do something dangerous. The idea of being rather unsteadily hoisted in the air thrilled him.

Charlie put himself in charge of engineering a way to lift Ted into the sky. He did this successfully but soon realized he was stuck up there as well.

At one point Madi announced the fact that she liked music from the 1970's. Cooper laughed at her and called her a flower child. She embraced this. She consumed ever flower she could find in the garden while blasting old music and stripping down to nothing.

Cooper had had it up to here with Carson's bullshit for the night so he dared him to become an inanimate object. He took this seriously. He hung a frame around his neck, asked Josh to paint a landscape on his chest and called himself a painting.

Cooper became livid when Josh refused to paint a boat on the lake on Carson's stomach. So livid that he stormed off to the roof to screech sea shanties at the top of his lungs.

Travis got high. "It's impossible to understand most of my life from where I am right now. I think I need a new perspective." Cooper proposed taping him to the ceiling. (For that definitely would be a new perspective.) Travis liked this idea. He had to consume the rest of his shots through a straw.


Minx insisted he would look more handsome with a mustache.

Noah complained about being dizzy and kept saying that Minx had three boobs. So to help him out she numbered them.

Cooper dared Wilbur to tell at least one person his darkest secret. Wilbur, using his phycology powers and alcohol, managed to convince everyone to write their darkest secret on him. He remembers this later that day when he goes to take a shower and reads 'Madi lost her virginity when she was 12' written on his chest. He was also surprised to find 'Ted is lactose intolerant' on his thigh.

Schlatt craved a slushee, but no one could/would drive him to a 7/11. (obviously) So he decided to walk. Halfway there he found a Dunkin' Doughnuts and got distracted.
He woke up in an alley ( beside the Dunkin' Doughnuts) covered in rats and doughnuts, with two thousand more dollar in his pocket than he had had the day before.

My goodness! A second update??

Thank you for all the positive feedback on my last chapter.

Now, back to your regularly scheduled programming.

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