Josh goes in a date

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Word count:2148

Schlatt's pov:

I  woke up to the most annoying sound in the world, also known as Wilbur's alarm.I slowly opened my eyes realizing where i was and who's chest i was laying on. I groaned rolling off of the British boy and into a ball by his side instead. The sound soon disappeared but Wilbur didn't, for that i was grateful. Instead he turned on the lamp next to my bed and scrolled through his phone. As i once again started to drift off to sleep memories from last night flooded my head. I often didn't sleep much and when i did i got really bad nightmares, about my past. With Wilbur that didn't happen, after our first night together i had slept so much better than i had in months. I guess sleeping in this bed without him brought the bad dreams  back.

Wilbur's pov:

Jawsh: WIlbUr I nNed Ur HeLp! im going on that date with CallMeCarson and i don't know what to wear or how to act or anything!!! Can u come over and help me be less of a wreck???

WhaleLord: Uhhh sure i can get  there in like an hour i just have to take care of some stuff first. Try not to think about it, distract your self until i come over

Jawsh: Thank you ! my guyyyyy

I crawled out of the warmth that was Schlatt's bed, noticing the owner was already asleep. I decided to put some of Schlatt's clothes on (since mine were all the way upstairs) before brushing my teeth and heading upstairs. The first thing i did was roll out and portion the bread dough i made last night.Once that was done i threw it into a preheated oven and got started on my breakfast. I sat on the kitchen counter with a mug of coffee and some cookies listening to the soft purr of the oven. I finished my simplistic version of a breakfast and started on Schlatt's; thick slices of toasted fresh bread with cream cheese. I put the food onto a plate and brought it back downstairs. The older boy was just where I left him. I gently shook his arm, to wake him up. When I saw his eyelids flutter open I informed him that breakfast was being served as I put the plate on the nightstand. As his messy locks fell over his face, I couldn't help but gush over his cute nose and tired dark eyes.

Wil: 'Mornin, sleepy head. Your Breakfast is on the nightstand, I'm gonna head out now. I have to help my old roommate, sort some stuff out...
I heard the brunette groan and roll over seeming to finally wake up. He rubbed his eyes as I reached over for my phone.
Jay: mmhmm just don't come too late, remember you still live here.
Wil: Why do you care, sir grumpalot?
Jay: I don't, but Carson won't shut up if he thinks something happened to you, and I'll end up getting the blame.
Wil: Well Josh isn't my boyfriend and your not my mom.
Jay: Who?
Wil: Josh? My old roommate?
Jay: uhhhh ok, whatever you say

I rolled my eyes before heading out of the room. Schlatt was being really weird about this, if he's still acting this paranoid when I get back, I'll confront him about it.
I grabbed my keys and hopped into Carson's car, my old apartment was about a 20 minute drive away. I turned on the radio and hummed along to what was playing.
I parked the car and walked towards the building, for whatever reason I still had a key, so I just let myself in. After announcing my presence to the seemingly empty apartment, I wandered over to Josh's room. I opened the door to find him sitting cross legged on the floor with a letter in his hand.

Wil: So, Tell me about this CallMeCarson character.
Josh: Oh hi Wilbur, I didn't even hear you come in. It's been a while, huh?
Wil: So wadda ya got planned out?
Josh: I told him to meet me at the park, and I thought from there we could go visit the carnival in town. Apart from that nothing.
Wil: How much more do you need to plan out, that seems pretty solid to me.

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