Schlattbur's conflict

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Refresher for the Schlattbur story line:

Chapter takes place the same day the boys had an argument. It went along the line of Schlatt tried to keep his british boy around but did so by sabotaging him, Schlatt moaned when he was choked and Wilbur stormed out without saying another word. This chapter starts probably a few hours after that whole ordeal.

(now, back to your regularly scheduled programming)

Wilbur's pov.

I sat in a practically empty park. the sun was going to set soon, dark hues of inky blues and midnight blacks mixed with a quickly fading crimson. The red was intoxicating and almost impossible to tear your eyes away from. I didn't need to look away, i let the night sky consume me as the bright sphere of light in the distance made my eyes burn ever so slightly. I let out a sigh. Red sky in the evening, that means that the weather tomorrow should be nice, hopefully not too warm western California is a oven already. Until now i had been pondering what had happened back home. Its funny how i call it home, probably what Schlatt wants. Dammit! Will i ever be able to wrap my head around that boy? He's overconfident and a prick, he blackmailed me, treats me like a nuisance even though i'm his employee, he wont even let me apply for another job, all that is true during the day at least. During the night he quiet and clingy, he holds me and it feels like he needs me there, he's sweet, flirtatious and emotional. So how the hell am i supposed to reat to this kind of bipolarity, i'm not gonna have two different personalities around him just to humor that behavior! Still, i cant see myself being distant, that damn Americans soft side has gotten to me and now, well, i'm not quite sure. of course i feel bad for hurting him earlier, not only physically, but now i hold information above his head that i don't really have the right to, but then again its his damn fault, if he weren't such a backstabbing dickhead this would have never happened. Yet here i am, going in circles for what feels like the thousandth time in the last hour.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by a whirring rumble nearby, i looked around to see a young male with bouncy blond hair and an orange bucket hat veering around a corner of the path i was sitting by on a skateboard. I recognized the boy as Cooper, as he came closer we made eye contact and he gave me a small smile. My expression remained unchanged as a frown. when he was close enough the blonde picked up the skate board from beneath himself and sat down on the bench next to me in one fell swoop. His eyes lingered on my silhouette before speaking up.

Coop: What's on your mind?

Wil: Schlatt.

Coop: Oh? Anything specifically?

Cooper's eyebrow raised and i could tell he was thinking about something i definitely wouldn't approve of. Probably wouldn't approve of. I let out a breath i didn't realize i was holding in.

Wil: Uh yeah, how he's a backstabbing cunt and should go rot in hell. Apart from that, how he's a horny bastard, who cant keep in his pants when he's being choked.

Coop: Uh Wil, not that i don't love hearing you talk about him like that, i just think i might be able to help you out more if you give me even just a sliver of context.

Wil: I guess that makes sense, huh?. I was applying to jobs cause y'know you guys are great and all but 'cleaning lady' isn't really my dream job, and Schlatt contacted the company i was applying to and told them i didn't have a good track record as an employee, even though i was perfect for the position. So obviously, i got pissed as fuck and ended up choking him against the wall, anyways i think something got into him and... well, i dunno i'm just trying to wrap my head around him. Hes so difficult to read and honestly, seems pretty emotionally unstable.

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