Carson goes on a date

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word count: 3533

Carson pov:

I was about to walk away from Noahs room and down to the kitchen to get ready for my second date with Josh when i heard a few light sobs come from the room. I let out a small sigh before heading over to the boy. His door opened with a rather noticeable creak. On the bed lay a mess of covers and Noah intertwined. As soon is i came in the weeping was surpressed and i could see him trying to wipe down his face with the surrounding comforter.

'its okay you dont have to pretend. Is everything ok?'

I now stepped into the room fully, turning the nighlight on before closing the door behind me. I heard the sound of the boy shuffle around some more and saw his shillouette move to an upright position. He sat straight up on his mattress with a blanket wrapped around his body. I quietly moved to the bed and sat down next to him. Barely louder than a whisper, I asked 'Do you want to talk about it?'

silence. the boy just looked down at his hand while picking at the dead skin.

'Look Noah, I know somwthing is wrong, over the past few months you've seemed more and more down in the dumps. Not to mention your alcohol intake. i just think it would help if you got to talk to someone, a professional maybe.'

When i looked over what i saw broke my heart. His sunken eyes and dark circles. His cheecks slowly starting to hollow out, the copius amount of silent tears that rolled down his face.

'please.... i can even make the appointment if you want, i just- i cant stand by and let you fall apart without at least trying to help.'

I felt my own eyes prick with the threat of tears. I leaned over and wrapped my arms around the torso of the broken soul next to me. I could feel him slowly starting to thin even through his shirt and blanket. I rested my forehead on his shoulder and whisperd words of love and care under my breath. What shook me to core was the fact that Noah didnt react at all. his posture didnt change nor did his silence. he simply sat there with me leaning into him as an abundant amount of tears flowed from his eyes, down his face and onto my arm. An empty shell.

~time skip~

I shuffled around the kitchen, looking for things to pack. I had never really gone to a picnic before. I really had no clue what to bring and Google was only mildly helpful. Josh and I had later agreed that he would bring most of the food and I would bring any nessecary appliances. So far I had stuffed two blankets ,a bunch of utensils, plates, glasses and a cutting board In a tote bag. I was brainstorming as to figure out what else to bring while Cooper and Travis lent on the counter beside me. Specifically, Cooper sat on the counter with all his limbs wrapped around Travis protectively who stood there with an everlasting blush powdered on his cheeks. They ( mostly Cooper) had been talking about their newfound relationship. To be honest I was a little taken aback, I had always thought they were really good friends. I mean they had known each other for a lot longer than the rest of lunch club. Now that I think about it Cooper has always been pretty protective of Trav and they do spend a lot of time together.... Either way, I'm happy for them.

'So what made you guys realize this was a good time to come out and tell everyone?'

'Well, it was actually Wil. He convinced me it was time for a proper sit down. The guys pretty intuitive. 'The blondes words were clear but slightly muffled since he had his chin nested in Traviss mess of curls.

'Huh, alright then. ' It's really is crazy how Wilbur has gotten to know so many of us so well already. Maybe he was the missing link we needed... ' anyways, how many people know now?'

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