Troopers truth

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Travis's pov:

He led me through the living room, disbelief. Down the stairwell, terror. And finally he set me down onto the sofa in the game room, sickening anxiety.
I sat on one end of the couch digging my nails into palms trying my very hardest not to cry. Across from me, he sat cross legged, tense and anxious.
Coop: Travis, it came out. Wilbur found out about this and well, that's exactly what I want to talk about, us.
I started to choke on my breath, it felt like my lungs were filling with panic and were choking me. I felt hot tears stream down my face as my hands clenched into fists, resting in my lap.
Trav: I get it, it's over.
I heard Cooper let out a sigh and shuffle around a bit in the sofa in front of me.
Coop: Yeah, well I guess it is. The last thing I want to do is hurt you with this I ju-
Trav: Hurt me? You don't want to hurt me?! Cooper i don't think that I'll be able to live- I don't think I can, Cooper I need you! But I understand you want to keep whatever this is- was behind you. Keep it a secret, keep me a secret.....
Out from blurred eyes I could see a bowed head, shaking shoulders and small, barely audible whimpers. Why in the hell is he crying? He's the one dumping me...
Coop: behind me, yeah I guess- I just. What are we? What were we? I need to know what I lost...
Trav: What you lost? what are you talking about? Cooper, are you not breaking up with me? Stop playing games! What's happening?
Coop: If people are gonna find out about us, I want to be able to tell them the truth. I wasn't- I'm still not sure if we were dating or if it was just something temporary. But now I'm glad I asked I would have never thought we were even less than that.
The blondes words were raked with tears and sobs, his body heaving violently.
Trav: Were we not together?
Coop: Were we?
Trav: I thought so....
Coop: So what should I tell people?
Trav: Seeing as you just broke up with me, I guess nothing.
Coop: What no, I don't want to break up I just thought you didn't want me...
Trav: So you're telling me this was all for nothig?
I knew I wore a quizzical expression but I didn't expect Cooper to be we wearing a cocky one despite his tear stained cheeks.
Coop: Not for nothing. Now, I know we're dating. Now I know I can not only be proud of us, but flaunt you like my own little puppy dog as well.
I couldn't help the weak smile that tugged at the corners of my lips. I couldn't help the relief when i saw the twinkle in his eyes. I couldn't help pouncing in the boy who brought me so much joy just by taking one look at him.
We laid in the each other's arms for a bit a mix of giggles and sobs filled the air around us. I snuggled into the crook of Coopers neck my arms wrapped around his neck and i prayed that we would never have the actual conversation that would break us up.

Schlatt's pov.
I had been talking to Travis and Cooper. We sat on either sides of the dinning table, I was further from the kitchen and Travis was sprawled out bridal style in Coopers lap. They had been talking about their newfound relationship and how they were finally ready to get the cat out of the bag. I had a feeling they were up to something before this but I honestly couldn't care enough, my mind kept on wondering back to Wilbur. I think the couple had noticed because after I stopped responding with absentminded 'uh-huh's and 'that's great's they continued talking but more to themselves than me. For the younger boys I acted as a sort of practice round, even if I wasn't truly listening. For me the couple acted as a sort of background noise. I had my head in my hand and my head in the clouds. Guilt, fear, anxiety and general sadness wracked my brain. Wilbur had seen me at my strongest, weakest and now at my most vulnerable. Yet it feels like I know nothing about him, apart from occupation and nationality the man has mostly remained a mystery. Still, I couldn't help but get attached, his warm embrace and carefree attitude seemed to be exactly what was missing in my life. And it felt as if his absence was drilling holes into my sides. I'm not quite sure why the lack of his appearance affected me so much. I was snapped out of my thoughts at the sound of the front door opening, the room was overtaken by a deadly silence. I slowly turned my heavy head over to see who had arrived.  Everything, even time itself seemed to stand still as my bloodshot eyes met Wilbur's tired ones. I knew he would come home eventually, I just didn't expect to be here for it. My mouth opened slightly even though I had nothing to say, well that wasn't quite right, I had a thousand things to say but I couldn't even manage to even make a sound. It all hit me so quickly, the bags under Wilbur's eyes, the slouch he wore that I had never seen before, the hollow and solemn look in his eyes. And almost as soon as i saw him he was gone, he had turned his back to me and walked upstairs. Once again,  I was left alone.  I noticed Cooper sigh and and let his head drop into Travis's hair, breathing in his flowery scent before cuddling the smaller closer to him earning a small giggle.
Okk I know this chapter isn't very long but I just thought that this would be a good place to end.  I know it's sort of half assed but yeah .
Snail update: I found a second one and spent a few hours with them. Gerald and Geraldine.
Luv u <3 Thx for reading

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