Chapter 11

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     Freaking out was an understatement of the feelings Evan was going through. He got a text from Connor, "Discharged, I can come over at 7 if that's okay... but I also don't want to intrude on your dinner." Evan had immediately texted back with a response stating that it was okay and that his mom didn't mind. She really didn't, at the thought of her son having a friend other than Jared (who might only be Evan's friend for the car insurance) she was delighted and Evan didn't even have to ask if he could come over for dinner. She offered immediately, excited to meet this new boy. Evan was trying to choose between the dress-y shirt and the casual shirt, but had no idea which one was better for the occasion. Would Connor wear his normal hoodie, or will he wear a suit and tie? Evan kinda smiled, the idea of Connor in a suit and tie tugging at his collar seemed funny to him. "Evan! Is your friend allergic to anything?"

     "No!" he shouted back. Evan put on the dress-y shirt in the hopes of looking better and stared at himself in the mirror. For a small boy with anxiety he sure cleaned up well. Not 2 minutes had gone by and Evan heard the ring of the doorbell. He rushed over, "I'll get it!" As he opened the door Connor stood there in jeans, a shirt and a tie, tugging at his collar just like Evan had imagined. He smiled mentally knowing that the dress-y shirt was the right choice, now he and Connor would match and look good in whatever pictures his mom decided to click. He gestured inside and Connor nervously entered looking around the house and flicking his eyes over everything lingering his eyes on Evan's shirt. "Hey."


     "Uhm, I hope me coming over is okay?" Heidi Hansen came up behind Evan and gave a giant beaming smile. "I hope you feel better! Evan told me you were at the hospital earlier. Connor, right?"

     "That's me."

     "My, you look dashing!" Connor smiled a little and nodded in her direction as if indicating he accepted the compliment. "As do you Mrs. Hansen, seriously thanks for letting me intrude."

     "Of course! Evan's told me about you." Connor looked curiously over to Evan as if wondering what words he said about him and then looked back to Mrs. Hansen. "Good things, I hope."

     "Of course! You boys can play video games, dinner will be ready soon." Connor and Evan sat together in Evan's room and Evan handed him a controller. "It's really funny seeing you in a suit and tie."

     "Shut up, Hansen, I'm kicking your ass in this game."

     "Not if I can help it!" One second Evan was spamming controls up and down trying to get a power move on Connor's player. The next second Connor's player climbed up a tree, and Evan didn't like that Connor's character stumbled out and fell of of it.

Trigger Warning: Panic Attack and Suicide Attempt (Remembrance)

     "Evan?" Evan was instantly reminded of a spiral of memories, none of which were good. He remembered climbing the tree with a lot of determination, the thought swirling around his head. He remember getting to the top branch and looking down, wondering what would happen if he fell down, then he fell down. He lost his grip and tumbled to the ground and nowhere during his 15 foot fall did Evan remember feeling scared about falling. He landed on the ground and just stared at the sky for what felt like hours waiting for someone to come by and realizing that maybe no one would. He blacked out and when he came to he was in the hospital and that was the last Evan wanted to think about that event. Seeing the player fall from the tree made him remember that time, and he started shaking. He started to feel himself lose control and his heart rate increased so fast that Evan could hear the thunderous noises in his ears. Any minute now Connor would hate him, or he would find out about the tree and hate him. Connor didn't care if Evan fell from a tree, he was just a pity horse. Evan shook, his hands trembling, sobs echoing as tears strolled down his face. "Evan!" He felt Connor grab his hands but he couldn't stop freaking out, he could barely make out anything, the world was swirling and Evan felt like he was going to pass out. "Hey, hey, hey, look at me. Breath! Take your own advice."

Because I'm Falling For You~Treebros DEH AUKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat