Chapter 2

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     Connor spotted a large blooming apple tree in the center of the orchard, and began making his way towards it. He figured that if he climbed it he could see more of the view behind him, and the view distracted him from his family life. Unfortunately, while looking up at the tree, he didn't look down to see where his feet landed, and it just so happened to land directly on Evan's legs, resulting in Connor falling over. "What the hell, man?!"

     "Oh my god, I'm so so sorry, uh, I didn't know people actually come to this orchard..." Evan was freaking out, he made someone mad. "Here let me help you up, oh no you have grass stains on your pants, they must cost a lot! Okay okay, I can pay for them, I don't have a wallet on me but you could come back someday, I'm so so sorry." Connor glared at Evan then realized where he was. He began mumbling, "Could you move... I want to climb the tree."

     "Oh my god, sorry, I'm really sorry, I'll just-" Evan shifted over a bit and Connor climbed up the tree, enjoying the view. A pang of guilt hit Connor in the chest for yelling at Evan and he shouted down, "Hey!" Evan curiously looked up and Connor just frowned nervously. "I-uh... sorry for yelling at you, uhm you want to come up?" At this point Evan was freaking out on how to answer, he really didn't want to climb up another tree again for fear he'd get those thoughts, but he also really wanted to climb the tree, though he wasn't sure if he should sit next to this guy. Oh the whirlwind of emotions, how cruel. Connor stared at Evan expectantly waiting for an answer and Evan began weighing his options. I know he goes to my school, not a lot of people adore him though, isn't that the Connor Murphy from the printer incident? If people see me with him they might hate me, but he doesn't seem that bad, he did apologize. But what if I get those thoughts again, if I fall will he catch me? Will he call an ambulance? Will I fall before he can do that? So many questions... In the end Evan stopped overthinking and tried to calm himself down when he heard a quip from above. "Listen, man, I can't stay up here all day waiting for you to figure out what you want, are you coming or not?"

     "I-uh... sure." Evan cautiously climbed the tree making sure not to look down, when he made himself up to the top limb he swung himself up and sat next to the boy. "Again, sorry for yelling at you, I should have watched where I was going, I was just having a rough day and I took it out on you."

     "I should have known better than to sprawl my legs out... I'm sorry about the grass stains." Connor cocked an eyebrow at Evan. "...what?"

     "Grass stains? You're concerned about g r a s s  s t a i n s? I can wash these in the laundry when I get home, no need to freak out about it."

     "Sorry for freaking out." Connor laughed and put his hands on the branch limb.

    "You need to stop saying sorry so often."

    "So- oh." Connor rolled his eyes playfully and stared towards the serene view the orchard provided. "Mind if I ask something?" Evan quietly mumbled.

     "Uh, sure."

     "Why did you come here?"

     "To get away from my shitty family, or, let me take that back, my shitty dad. You?"

     "Just to enjoy the view I guess." Evan kept on wondering how he got himself sitting next to Connor Murphy, the one who was so violent he threw a printer at a teacher, though it was too late to take back his words when he realized he had said all his thoughts out loud. "Do people really only know me for that one incident in 2nd grade?"

     "Oh shit! I'm sorry, I didn't know I was saying that out loud, I-"

     "It's fine, trust me, I know I'm messed up." Connor laughed but Evan could tell he was slightly hurt at his words and he immediately felt bad. This was why he didn't interact with people, he always found a way to get them upset. "You seem nicer than people say!" Evan tried to distract Connor from his earlier comment.

     "Well, I try to be." Connor gave a weak smile at Evan but he could tell that he wasn't too happy at rememering any rumors. Connor distracted from his smile by talking about his life and other stuff to Evan. Evan felt oddly comforted, it felt nice talking to a person, though he carefully crafted his words to make sure another slip-up didn't happen. As the sun began to set Connor looked to his phone and frowned. Evan noticed many notifications and frivolent messages but noticed one word in particular, "failure." Evan looked up to see a tight-lipped Connor holding back tears and he soon swallowed them up and put on a neutral expression, Evan had no idea how he did it. Connor looked over to Evan, "I have to go." Evan nodded his head but didn't know what else to say to that without sounding like a bumbling idiot. "Uhm, do you maybe... want to talk sometime?" Connor asked.

     "Oh, uhm-"

     "Nevermind, I get it, I mean I wouldn't want to ruin anything."

     "Not at all! Here..." Evan grabbed Connor's phone then realized that it seemed pretty rude. and looked at him apologetically but Connor just grinned. "It's fine, go ahead." Evan entered his email address and phone number into Connor's phone, saving it as Evan Hansen (Orchard) and gave it back to him. "You can uh... text me anytime. I mean only if you want to, you don't really have to I-"

     "Stop overthinking it, I'm the one who asked you to talk!" Connor looked down at the phone before closing and began climbing down. Once he reached the bottom he looked up and waved goodbye, "Bye, Hansen!"

     "Bye..." For some reason, Evan felt comfortable talking to Connor, it was rocky at first but he didn't seem as bad as the rumors had been telling him. While walking home, Connor felt the same way.

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