Chapter 7

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     "CONNOR." Connor felt extremely dizzy, but managed to pick his head up off the desk and stare up at the board. The words were foggy and he could barely make out any distinct letters. "Yes?" he said groggily. The teacher gave an angry glare towards him and crossed her arms.

      "Would you like to explain why you've fallen asleep?"

      "I was sleepy?" The teacher's eyes flared up and it was almost like seeing flames light up her eyes. "I do not appreciate the sass young man, detention." Connor sat up straight and in fear, he absolutely couldn't get in trouble again. He didn't want to come home with another pink note and curl into a ball in his room while his parents fought. "W-wait-"

      "Should've thought of the consequences before sassing me." Connor sat down, tears welling up in his eyes, he hated this place, he wish he could just run away from his problems. After class the teacher held him back and gave him the pink slip. The glaring slip almost seared his hand as he held it and he stuffed it in his locker slamming the locker shut, he managed to pull out his lunchbox in his rage and ate alone in the courtyard. Normally, students weren't permitted here during lunchtime but what would he do in the lunchroom? Kids would throw lunchboxes, juice, milk, dump icecream down his back, and if he ever fought back he'd be suspended and he'd have to go to a new school. His sister didn't care to be near him because of all the negative attention he had gotten, and why would she? He was a horrible brother, he's just lucky that the family he had didn't disown him. As he sat in the courtyard eating his sandwich he heard a twig cracking and looked up glaring at whoever wanted to disturb the peace of his habitat. He noticed Evan Hansen staring at him in shock. "If you're going to throw that juicebox on me you better do it quick before the janitor notices you."

     "Juicebox? No way, this juice has 75 calories per fluid ounce and that's 8 ounces per box, that's a lot of calories I would be throwing on you and then I won't be able to fulfill the nutrition cycle. You need to be healthy you know, this has 10 micrograms of Vitamin A per fluid ounce I can't just throw it away! Oh wait I'm doing that again-"

     "Are you only here to taunt me, Hansen?"

     "No no no, I'm not here to taunt you, I was never taunting you, I didn't mean to smile at the mean joke I just did it, I do that when I'm nervous."

     "I'm sorry for pushing you." Connor went back to eating his sandwich but when he didn't see Evan walk away he looked up in annoyance. "Seriously, what else do you want from me? I apologized, you can go sit with your friend now."

     "He doesn't have the same lunch as me..."

     "Well then you have other friends to sit with, go sit with Zoe's squad or something. You don't have to taunt me."

     "I'm not taunting you."

     "Then why are you here?"

     "Well, for starters, can I sit with you?" Connor cocked an eyebrow at Evan, but nevertheless shifted over a few bricks to give Evan some space. Evan grinned and shuffled over sitting down with a kids robot lunchbox and opened it precariously making sure to place the items he had on the two bricks next to him.

     "Did Zoe put you up to this?"

     "No, I just felt bad, doesn't it get lonely out here?" Connor shrugged and sipped on the applesauce that he had packed for himself. "You get used to it, better than having food dumped all over you."


     "Why, what?"

     "Why do they dump food on you?"

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