A car stooped in front of them.

Cooper acme apologizing to both of of tnem.

"Keep safe." Dome said.

He left the two.

Dome walks to his car and he is about to open it when out of no where someone touched his shoulder. He grabbed the man's hand and twisy it. Then kick him.

"Ouch Dome, calm down" a familiar voice.
Dome helped him uo and pulled the hand he twisted then pressed the wing part of his bavk bone and releassd him.

"You really can fight." The guy commented.

"You shocked me. Vee, what the hell" Dome said.

"I.. " Vee do not know how to start.

"Do you have a car?" Dome asked.
Vee nooded.

"Follow me." Dome said.

They stopped in feont of tbe coffee shop accross the main dorm.

Vee followed Dome and sit in front of him. They ordered their drinks. Dome espresso. He will study tonight so he needs a wake up booster.

Veehen strated hjs rants about Mark.

Dome sighs. After.

"Do you really love him?" Dome asked.

"Then stop telling him show him. Let me tell you a hint. With Mark. You can grab him and pin him on the door and ravish him, but do not go farther than kissing . Then listen to his body language and read his words. You will know what to do next." Dome said.

Vee just looked at Dome,

"Did you hear me?" Dome asked.

Vee nooded.

"I thought you hate me." Vee said.

Dkme laughed a litle and nog loud the  he smirked.

"I did not hate you, i just don't like it when you show how stupkd you are when it comes to Mark heh no offense i know you are smart, just use it also in readkng your heart and what it wants." Done again gave him hint.

Vee smiled and saluted Dome.

"Thank you, i still have 10 minutes." He said and left.
Dome askd for tge bill and paid for it then went to his room.

The following day.

Lunch, the engineers invaded the Med's canteen. Bug without the head hazer. They bring food and served Dome. Vee and Coooer, then they sit witb their beloved.

"What is this?" Dome asked.

"We where scolded for bothering you last night" cooper said.

Dome looked at Poyy and Mark.

"Fuck!"  Dome mouthed.

"Thanks guys, byt i did it for friendship and i am sorry Pavel is so cruel." Dome said.

"Dome Cooper deserves it," Poyyy said and smiled.
"J wish he did more to Vee, i am nit contended he still cN wLk." Mark said.

"Shush" Domw said and stand and called almeonw. Who is noypt answering.

He finished his food, he is shy to those who brought for him so he finished and deinked.
"Where is your head hazer?" He asked Vee and Cooper.

"With Leam and Bar." Cooper said,

"Nine cover for me please on the first subject i will be back on the second." he said and went off.

He walked to the gymnasium where hazing is held. He wlaked straight to the  office.

He knocjked and said, "can i speak to witb Pavel please."

The door opened.

Pavelmis shocked seeing Dome.

Singto and Newwie smiled at Dome and Nd walked to the door.
"10 minutes." Singto whispered.
Dome nooded.

Leam and Bar also left leaving only the best friends inside.

"What the hell with Cooper and Poyy?" Dome asked.

"Hey it was not harmful and not too bad. Only ordered them to give you food and drink." Pavel said. Smilling.
"I am glad you walked here like that but i nevrr thoughg to defend them." Pavel said.

"What i did last night, i did ig for friendship." Dome said.

"Still doing ig right now." Pavel walked closer.

"I am jealous now sweetheart." Pavel said and took one od Dome's hand and kissed it.

"Then next time if you want to bring me food nad drink, do ig yourself. And i am doing things for mh friends and by the way i nearly knock Vee off lasg night." Dome said,

Pavel laughed and kiss Dome's forehead.

"I have to leave now." Dome said.

"Wait can i take you to dinner?" Pavel asked.

"No! I will study tonight." Dome siad and open the door and leave. He thanked Singti and Newwie then he head back ti their vollege. He made it to the first subject.
He smiled sweetly. When he sit down.
Hks poker face face is gone replaced with the swet smile seldom sees and often hidden.

He  madenit walked to tbe engineer's territory just like that.

"So Dome is now also a friend with tehm?" Leam asked.
"Yeah describe Dome in twords. A Friend." He added.

Pavel smiled.

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