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Jungkook rubbed his puffy eyes as he stepped out of his room. The hallway was empty, soft chatter and the sound of cutlery hitting plates coming from the kitchen. Jungkook smiled as he took a moment to compose himself before he went down the stairs, towards the kitchen.

The table was filled with plates of food, 6 chairs occupied as they happily ate some of the side dishes.

Jimin was the first one to notice Jungkook in the hallway and got up. “Kookie! Come join us, I’ll get you some water”, the dancer said as he walked to the sink. Jungkook appreciated it and sat down, glad the air in the room wasn’t filled with awkwardness. He was 99% sure at least 1 person had heard him cry earlier, but he was pleased to see no one bringing it up.

He sat down in between Taehyung, who leaned against him with a smile, and Namjoon, who placed some of his meat on Jungkook’s plate. The youngest smiled and quickly dug in, humming at the delicious taste.

The conversation died down after that, a peaceful quietness settling over them. Jungkook was mostly thinking about stuff, maybe thinking a bit too much, but making sure to lean against someone every time he felt himself going too close to feeling bad.

Namjoon smiled softly at him and pat his head, making Jungkook lean into the touch. Seokjin cooed softly and huffed. “You seem touch-starved Jungkookie, how about a movie night and a cuddle pile after dinner?”, The eldest smiled and winked.

Jungkook nodded enthusiastically at the idea. He felt himself trust the members more and more each day. He forgave them and tried to give them another chance. He felt like slipping around them was still a no-no, but physical affection was more than okay.

After Seokjin had made Hoseok and Jimin do the dishes (which resulted in a lot of whining and pouting), they all settled on the couch in front of the tv.

Jungkook was snuggled up to Taehyung and Hoseok. Jimin sat in the love seat with Yoongi, holding his hand with a smile, while Namjoon had an arm around Seokjin’s shoulders. Jungkook didn’t really pay attention to the movie they were watching, he was barely able to tell the two women in it apart.

He felt fuzzy, but not like he was going to slip. He just felt happy and warm, snuggled up in between the members.

The silence was disturbed by Taehyung.

“When I slipped… Ah, I only remember vague bits… But Jungkook took really good care of me… I wanna pay you back Jungkook. Can you tell us how to take care of you in case you slip?”

The questions surprised Jungkook. He hadn’t really communicated about his little space like that before slipping. He hesitantly looked at Jin, who smiled softly. “You don’t have to slip around us if you’re not comfortable with that yet. We just want to know what to do in case it does happen and you need us.”

Jungkook’s chest filled with a happy warmth at those words. He nodded with a smile, happy as he saw the effort they were putting into making him feel comfortable.

Jimin smiled and grabbed some paper and a pen. “How about we set up rules? They will be for all the littles”, he gave Taehyung and Yoongi a look, who both giggled and nodded. “We will make different sheets for punishments because we need to communicate really well about those.”

Jungkook smiled proudly and nodded as they got to work, starting with the punishments.

Half an hour later they were as good as done, the movie playing on the screen long forgotten. Jungkook smiled as he finished his sheet with punishments. “Done!’, he exclaimed with a proud smile.

Namjoon clapped. “Read it out loud, hm?”, the others looked up as well and listened to the boy.

“Time out’s are fine but need lots of assurance after. Soft spankies are fine too, and restriction of sweets or no cartoons”, Jungkook said, his cheeks heating up as he felt stupid talking about it like that.

Taehyung noticed and raised his hand. “My turn?”, he smiled, trying to change the spotlight to himself so Jungkook would feel more comfortable.

Seokjin nodded with a soft coo. Taehyung softly started. “No sweets or cartoon time is fine. Short time outs are okay as well, but please stay in the room. No spankies or any punishment that hurts, please”

The others hummed in approval. “Taehyung, is a 10 minute time out okay? Or is that too long?”, Hoseok asked with a small smile. Taehyung looked up and nodded. “That’s fine!” the boy smiled and started drawing little flowers on the sheet.

Jin gently nudged Yoongi, whose cheeks were red. “This is stupid…”, he muttered, trying to hide his sheet.

Hoseok smiled. “Just because you aren’t little right now doesn’t mean talking about your needs when you are little is stupid. Now read it out loud for us, hm?”, he gently said while Jin nodded and patted the younger’s back.

Yoongi sighed softly. “Well, uhh… I guess no time outs… but spanks and extra chores are fine. Just don’t like being forgotten”, he softly said and immediately tried to hide his face.

Seokjin cooed and hugged the second oldest. “You did great bub, I’m so so proud of you”, he smiled and rubbed his back.

Namjoon gathered the sheets and put them aside before he grabbed a new one for himself.

“Now we’re going to write down the rules. The rules are for all the littles, not listening to them results in a punishment. Okay?”, he said calmly, the three littles nodding eagerly.

“Of course, good boys also get rewards when they follow the rules well”, Seokjin smiled and grabbed a sheet for himself.

Jungkook softly squealed at that, he absolutely loved rewards. The others chuckled softly as Namjoon started writing.

“1. No swearing. That one is pretty obvious hm?”, he chuckled softly as Taehyung nodded with wide eyes. “Next one!”, the second youngest said happily.

“Okay okay. 2. Always use your manners. Use your pleases and thank you's, and you say hyung or daddy to your caregiver unless you made an agreement for a different pet name.”, Namjoon gave them all a look.

“3. Listen to your caregiver, also pretty obvious. 4. We go to bed on our bedtime, even if we don’t want to”, Namjoon laughed as he earned some groans and pouts.

“If you behave well, we can add a movie night as a reward”, Seokjin said and wrote it down. Namjoon nodded before he continued.

“5. Always tell us when you’re unhappy or not feeling well, no matter how silly you think it is. We’re here to take care of you, so please let us”, Namjoon smiled as Yoongi nodded seriously and turned to Taehyung.

“Hyungs very very good at making you feel better!”

Namjoon smiled softly at them. “That’s right Yoongi. Can I continue?”, he asked and did so after he got a nod.

“6. We do our chores without complaining, and you can get different kinds of rewards if you do them really well. Last but not least, 7. no lying at all. There will be consequences if you do.”

the three littles gulped and nodded, making Hoseok coo. “But don’t worry! There are also rewards like treats, movie nights like Jinnie hyung said, maybe even trips to the park!”

Yoongi squealed and happily nodded at that, the boy had obviously slipped. While Jimin started playing with the little, Namjoon took Jungkook with him to the fridge and stuck the rules and punishments on it. He smiled and put a hand on the younger’s back.

“Hyung is really proud of you for opening up Kookie. And thank you for slowly trusting us again."

why me? Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang