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Jungkook sipped his coffee as he slowly made his way through the busy streets of Seoul, completely armed with sunglasses and a bucket hat to prevent anyone from recognizing him. The boy hardly noticed the people around him talking as he pushed through the crowd. 

Jungkook hadn’t been able to sleep all night, becoming restless as he thought of seeing the other’s the next day. Baekhyun had noticed the boy’s nervousness and offered him some silent support. Which mostly meant the two playing games until 2 am. And Suho getting mad at them as they nearly fell asleep during breakfast.

The building Jungkook was going to stood tall above the others in the area, the glass shining brightly in the sun. Jungkook looked up nervously and sighed before he entered. 

The secretary at the front desk looked up, confused before she recognized the boy.

“Ah, Jungkook-ssi. It’s good to see you again, it’s been a while”, Hyejin smiled kindly, her bright blue eyes turning into crescents.

Jungkook smiled back at her. He had always thought she was a nice person. Her blonde hair and blue eyes made her stand out amongst most of the people, especially because she was pretty tall. Hyejin however didn’t mind it one bit. 

“I’m okay noona, took some time for myself”

Hyejin smiled and nodded. “I understand, but next time don’t make me so worried okay? I thought you were in the hospital until Bang PD-nim told me you were taking a break”, she huffed, making Jungkook laugh.

“I’ll make sure to call the reception and bother you next time noona.”

Hyejin smiled and nodded. “Deal, Jeon. Also, the big boss is waiting on the 14th floor.”

“Thanks, noona”, Jungkook nodded and went to the elevator.

“Wouldn’t try that, they still need to fix it!”

Jungkook groaned loudly as Hyejin laughed. “Great. Just great.” he sighed. “You can do it Jungkook-ssi, it’s just all the way up to the 14th floor…”

Jungkook jokingly glared at her and smiled as he started climbing the stairs. Once he reached the 14th floor, he was sweating and panting loudly. “God, why does it have to be so warm today…”

He finished the remaining coffee in his cup and threw it away before he knocked on the door of Bang PD’s office. 

“Come in.”

Jungkook opened the door and closed it behind him, gulping as he felt nervous again.

Bang PD however smiled kindly at him. “Sit down Jungkook”, he gestured at the hair in front of his desk. Jungkook saw Sejin sitting next to Bang PD and smiled. He trusted the man deeply, as he had been the one who had saved him from the streets. 


Jungkook sniffled as he wrapped his arms around himself, holding onto his stuffed bunny with one hand as he walked through the rain. The poor boy was shivering, his white shirt drenched and sticking to his thin frame.

Jungkook could vaguely see someone in front of his, his vision blurry as he stumbled over his own feet. 

The poor boy didn’t even notice his shoulder slamming into the wall, sending him sprawling across the pavement. He didn’t have the energy to get up, completely drained. 

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