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While Taehyung was in Jungkook's room comforting the boy, Namjoon awkwardly looked around the kitchen. "So... What was all that about?", he asked softly, sitting down at the table. Seokjin shook his head with a small smile. "Taehyung pretended to get hurt and blamed Jungkook so he would get more attention. I think he was jealous", he said, a fond smile on his face.

Namjoon frowned. "Oh, that's bad. Should we punish him? I can look on his list to see which one is appropriate."

"Don't worry about it, he admitted that he was lying before my countdown was over. Besides, this is all new for him too, we shouldn't forget that Tae just recently came out to us as a little. It's understandable that he's jealous and doesn't know how to handle that", Seokjin got up to grab a glass of water. "We'll give him a slight scolding later, nothing too bad."

Namjoon nodded and smiled as Hoseok joined them in the kitchen, Seokjin updating him about the situation as Namjoon left the kitchen to find Yoongi and Jimin.

Meanwhile, Taehyung was hugging Jungkook carefully, his hands still playing with the boy's hair even after his sniffles had calmed down. The boy planted a messy kiss on Jungkook's cheek and nuzzled their noses together, smiling before he frowned slightly.

"Taetae weawwy sowwy Kookie, won't do 'gain", he softly said so he wouldn't startle the boy. He grabbed Jungkook's hand and held it, drawing random patterns on the back of his hand with his thumb as he waited for a reaction.

When he got none, he simply continued talking, trying to fill the silence that had formed after Jungkook had stopped crying. "Jinnie hyungie towd Taetae chu hab meanie thoughts... Taetae no fuwwy undewstand, but Taetae hewe fow chu! An won't be meanie no mowe, pwomish!", He said happily and smiled.

Jungkook was silent for a moment before he hugged Taehyung even tighter, whispering a soft "Thank chu", to him. He then got up and pulled Taehyung to his bed, crawling underneath the covers with him. "Cuddwe pweash...", he softly mumbled and opened his arms. Taehyung happily obliged and snuggled closer to him, playing with Jungkook's hair.

Jungkook giggled softly and looked up at Taehyung with a smile, his eyes still red but now filled with sparkles, making Taehyung feel warm inside.

When Seokjin called them all to the living room later that day, Taehyung was expecting disapproving stares and sighs, probably a punishment in front of everyone and an afternoon filled with embarrassment. He was however surprised that when he and Jungkook came downstairs, the atmosphere didn't immediately go sour.

Instead, Jimin smiled and invited the two of them on the couch next to him, giving the boy's a kiss on the cheek as Seokjin got up.

"Okay so, as everyone knows, Taehyung did a not so good thing earlier", the words made Taheyung tense, his heart pounding in his chest as he anxiously waited for his punishment.

"He apologized to both me and Jungkook, so all is good now. No punishment needed this time baby, though I'm giving you a warning, okay?", Seokjin looked at Taehyung with a warm smile.

The boy immediately nodded, making the others coo softly.

"Can you tell us why you pretended to be hurt Taehyung?", Hoseok asked softly, already knowing the answer, but he wanted to know from the boy himself.

Taehyung's cheeks went slightly red as he nodded, fidgeting with his hands for a bit. "Taetae feew... feew... Yucky! Like dis cowd feewing in chest n face feew hot n jus' yucky! No wike... Wanted hyungies cuddwes n kisses n attention but no hab eyes fow Taetae", the boy huffed softly and then pouted.

"A-and big Taetae feew very gu-guiwity 'bout evewything n do meanie stuff to himsewf n no wike! Make Taetae vewy sad", he tried to explain the best he could, searching for Namjoon's eyes.

Namjoon nodded and sighed. "He has been very absent-minded lately, not taking care of himself and accidentally, or purposedly, hurting himself. I think he still feels guilty for the way he acted before, even though he apologized and Jungkook has been trying to forgive us."

Taehyung nodded along with Namjoon's explanation. "Aww big boy wowds, but Joonie hyung smawt so Joonie hyung pwobabawy wight!"

Yoongi let out a soft chuckle at that and nodded. "Well, thank you for explaining that to us, we'll make sure to keep it all in mind hm? And we're so sorry for making it seem like you weren't getting enough attention baby boy, we never meant it like that."

Taehyung giggled. "Siwwy hyungie, Taetae know now!", he smiled happily and reached over to hug him, though Jungkook was still kind of clinging onto him.

"And we're proud of you for apologizing to Jungkook, and helping him", Seokjin added, getting up to kiss the boys' heads.

"Does anyone else wants to say something?", Hoseok asked around, everyone shaking their heads with a smile. "Then it's time for a movie and some tea hm?"

Jungkook squealed and nodded happily, Taehyung joining him as they bounced on the couch, the room filling with laughter as everyone got up to grab blankets and snacks.

Taehyung hugged Jungkook tightly, the youngest smiling at him and poking his cheek with a soft giggle. He allowed himself to completely relax, though at the back of his mind he did make a note to himself to make sure Taehyung would be okay. But that was a worry for later, he had his Disney movie to focus on for now.

why me? Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang