Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight // New Home


Elsa and I walk through the night, going to who knows where.

"Where do you live?" Elsa suddenly asks me. "I'll walk you home and go to my place from there," she adds.

"Oh... I actually don't have a place to live really.. I was kicked out about a month ago," I reply softly.

Elsa stares at me shocked. "What?! Why didn't you tell me?!" she shouts.

Her voice echoes through the alley.

I giggle slightly. "I didn't deem it necessary... and plus I didn't really think we would we with each other this long," I reply.

Elsa nods in understanding.

"You can stay with me... it's fine," Elsa says. I smile. "Really? You're awesome Elsa," I say to her.

"Thank you... you're pretty cool too," she replies. As we continue walking, I glance at her.

If I would have seen her passing by, I wouldn't necessarily think she was supernatural, but you can tell there is something different about her.

Her skin has a certain beautiful glow, the most clear and perfect skin I've seen. She looks basically perfect.

She has a hair color that people usually only get when they dye their hair, and even then it's not as authentic as Elsa's.

She has a beautiful snowy platinum blonde hair color, and her hair is long.

To her waist.

I can already tell it's very soft. It's in a messy braid, but still looks nice.

Her eyes are big and round, a beautiful blue color, with a slight shade of purple. It's like she's wearing contacts.

I take a glance at her figure. She's pretty slim- not scary slim, but slim. Kinda curvy.

I guess there are physical perks to being half Angel. I can't see her wings though.

"You seem deep in thought," she says, interrupting my examination.

I shrug. "I guess. I'm just analyzing how really pretty you are. It's honestly cool," I reply.

She smiles sweetly at me. "What? Thank you. You're really pretty as well... and I mean that honestly," she says, her eyes sparkling with a genuine gaze.

I laugh.

"You're joking. Someone as glorious as you is telling me that I'm really pretty," I state.

Elsa frowns. "You actually don't think you're pretty? You're beautiful Rapunzel!" she exclaims.

I sigh. "Thanks I guess," I reply, unbelieving. "I understand you though. You might think I look amazing, but if you see the full angels in heaven- I'm nothing compared to them," Elsa says, shrugging slightly.

"And it's fine. I'm not bothered about it because beauty is vain," she says to me.

We arrive in front of a big alley, and I see a big house.

My eyes widen, staring at the place. Elsa stares at me weirdly.

"You can see the house? Humans can't because it's been shielded-"

she stops.

"Right, you have special sight. I forgot," she says.

I couldn't even respond because of how much in awe I was due to this huge house.

Elsa's just laughing at my expression, and pulls me towards the house.


"This place is awesome!!" I shout, collapsing on the bed she said I can sleep on.

"Rapunzel you're so funny," Elsa says, giggling.

I glance at her, full of excitement.

The fridge is full to capacity, of sooo many things.

Like I am literally in my own personal heaven.

"So can you fill me in on all this supernatural business? Is God real?" I ask, crawling under the covers.

Elsa nods. "He's very real. I haven't met him obviously, due to always being in hiding," she explains.

"So if being a Nephilim is illegal in heaven, or being any mixed breed is illegal... why does God let you live?" I ask.

Elsa shrugs. "Maybe because he doesn't see me as a sin," she answers.

"Can supernatural beings die?" I ask eagerly. This is most interesting thing I've ever heard of. I've never been more willing to learn than right now.

"Well I mean... yea. God can kill a supernatural being by destroying their spirit," she says.

My eyes widen.

Dang that sounds so viscous.

"It rarely happens though. Only in extreme cases. There are a few other ways supernaturals can die, but that is the main one," Elsa explains.

"Tell me about fallen angels," I ask.

"Basically, the first original set of demons were actually angels at first. But they did some crazy stuff and were sent to the eternal flames, becoming demons," Elsa starts.

"After awhile, they are released, and roam the lands of hell. They then decide to do evil things like posses humans, and just wreak havoc in the different planets," Elsa states.

I nod, interested.

"If it wasn't for the Supernatural council, Heaven and Hell would be at war. Hell is someway suppressed from completely taking over and polluting all creation- but there has been an agreement with angels and demons," she continues.

"What do soul keepers do?" I ask.

Elsa scratches the back of her neck. "Well, they are the keeper of souls for one. Each human soul is branded by a soul keeper at the end of their life, determining whether they go to heaven or hell," she explains.

"It depends on how they lived their life. They either go to the department of hell for humans, or the side of heaven for humans," Elsa says.

"They also are mediators between angels and demons, to try and keep the peace," she says.

I snuggle up to the furry pillow which smells like a sweet perfume.

I can't believe she has an angel built home.

"Thank you for answering my questions," I thank, feeling my eyelids drop slowly.

Elsa smiles at me, and her voice fades as I feel myself fall asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2021 ⏰

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